In the Garden

- Sweep the gutters and driveways regularly and place the sweepings in the garden, compost, or in the bin
- Prevent soil or mulch from being washed or blown off the garden
- Rake up leaves or lawn clippings and use them as mulch in the garden or place them in the compost
- Grass or re-plant areas of disturbed soil
- Consider natural alternatives to pest control chemicals
- Plant more plants! Plants can help the Chesapeake Bay’s health. Please visit this website for more information.
- Don’t hose dirt off hard surfaces (roads, paths, driveways) into gutters
- Don’t hose leaves and grass clippings into gutters
- Don’t pile sand and soil on areas where it can wash into the stormwater system
- Don’t overuse chemicals (pesticides and herbicides) that could be washed into stormwater from the garden or yard
- Don’t use too much fertilizer
In the Street

- Pick up litter in the park or on the street
- Clean up pet droppings and dispose of them in the garden, trash bins, or in the toilet
- Don’t drop packaging or cigarette butts on the ground
- Don’t leave trash in bins that are already full
With the Car

- Maintain the car. Make sure there are no leaks and that fuel is burnt ‘cleanly’ by keeping your car tuned
- Use the minimum amount of detergent for cleaning outside and wash your car on the grass or on gravel. A better option is to take your car to a car wash, where the water is recycled
- Don’t work on your car (including oil changing) in a place where oil and grease may wash into gutters
- Don’t wash the car in the street using detergent

- Wash brushes and rollers over a sand filter on the lawn
- Keep paint, tarps, and solvents clear of gutters or drains
- Reuse tarps once the paint has settled
- Allow unused paint to dry out and then put it in the bin
- Don’t wash out cement mixers or barrows so that the waste flows into street drain
- Don’t hose sand, gravel, or cement into the gutter
- Don’t leave piles of sand or gravel uncovered where it could wash or blow into the gutter