UPDATE: At its May 12 meeting, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to adopt the revised budget. Check Henrico's website for full budget details, or watch a series of short videos on the county's YouTube channel.
Reduces $99 million in spending while preserving tax rates, services, positions
Henrico officials have prepared a framework for a $1.3 billion proposed budget for fiscal 2020-21, eliminating more than $99 million in planned expenses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Continue reading Henrico submits framework for revised budget for fiscal 2020-21Officials propose extending public comment period, delaying adoption to May 12
Henrico officials are projecting a nearly $100 million shortfall as they revise the county’s proposed budget for fiscal 2020-21 to reflect the harsh economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Continue reading Henrico looks to close $100 million budget shortfall due to coronavirusHenrico County officials have begun to brace for significant financial impacts caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Anticipating sharp drops in revenues from sales, meals and occupancy taxes, officials are preparing adjustments to the current year’s budget and are revising the proposed budget for fiscal 2020-21.
Continue reading Henrico revising budgets to reflect uncertainties from coronavirus