Since vehicular pursuits create the potential in which officers, members of the public, and/or the suspect may be killed or seriously injured, pursuits shall only be initiated and continued in accordance with the provisions set forth by Division policy.
The decision to initiate a pursuit is a difficult one. The decision to terminate a pursuit is even more difficult. Professional judgment and common sense are the determining factors.
2023 Statistics
Pursuits increased significantly (58.6%) from 2022 to 2023. The previous five-year average was 62.2 pursuits; 2023 was a 78.5% increase over the five-year average.
Officers’ reasons for initiating a pursuit were similar from 2022 to 2023, with one exception – pursuing a stolen vehicle rose from 27.7% in 2022 to 37.7% in 2023.
Analysis of the age of the pursued reveals a consistent average age of 30, +/- two years, for the last three years. However, a significant decrease in age was evident upon calculation of the data mode for the last four years. The most prominent age for the data group in 2023 was 16 years old. The Police Division continues to seek enhanced pursuit training opportunities for sworn personnel and continuously evaluates pursuit data for policy revision considerations and officer development. These measures in conjunction with proper equipment allocation, policy transparency, and community feedback enhance community safety during pursuit events.
Incident Occurrences & Location


Pursuit Conclusions & Non-Pursuits