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Henrico School Board, Brookland District

Henrico County, VA Voter Registration and Elections
General Election November 4, 2003


                             V.     Linda          
                          "Bob"        L.     Write
Precinct                   Hall   McBride        In
--------------------- --------- --------- ---------
100    Absentee              52        83         0
101    Coalpit              180       287         1
102    Dumbarton             71       173         0
103    Glen Allen           251       525         2
104    Glenside              50       140         1
105    Greendale             72       168         1
106    Hermitage             96       224         1
107    Hilliard              35       124         1
108    Hunton                59       103         1
109    Johnson               45        76         1
110    Lakeside              79       264         1
111    Longan               151       335         3
112    Maude Trevvett        59       172         0
113    Staples Mill         231       648         2
114    Summit Court          75       128         2
115    Westwood              57       180         0
--------------------- --------- --------- ---------
Totals                    1,563     3,630        17

Contact Us

Voter Registration and Elections

Western Government Center
4305 E. Parham Rd.
Admin Building AnnexRoom 105
Henrico, VA 23228

Eastern Government Center
3820 Nine Mile Rd
Room 100
Henrico, VA 23223

(804) 501-4347

(804) 501-5081

[email protected]

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

[email protected] is the email address for the public to communicate with the Henrico County Electoral Board.

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