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BD of Sup., Fairfield District

Henrico County, VA Voter Registration and Elections
General Election November 4, 2003


                               J.     Write
Precinct                 Thornton        In
----------------------- --------- ---------
100    Absentee               118         1
201    Adams                  234         2
202    Azalea                 258         2
203    Belmont                142         5
204    Brookland               99         2
205    Canterbury             190         1
206    Central Gardens        367         1
207    Chamberlayne           415         1
208    Fairfield              193         0
209    Glen Lea               143         4
210    Greenwood              231         2
211    Highland Gardens       202         3
212    Hollybrook              97         3
213    Hungary                266         5
214    Longdale               104         3
215    Maplewood              276         1
216    Moody                  125         2
217    Mountain                42         4
218    Oakview                  7         1
219    Randolph                88         0
220    Ratcliffe              367         2
221    Stratford Hall          24         2
222    Wilder                 228         2
223    Yellow Tavern          216         1
----------------------- --------- ---------
Totals                      4,432        50

Contact Us

Voter Registration and Elections

Western Government Center
4305 E. Parham Rd.
Admin Building AnnexRoom 105
Henrico, VA 23228

Eastern Government Center
3820 Nine Mile Rd
Room 100
Henrico, VA 23223

(804) 501-4347

(804) 501-5081

[email protected]

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

[email protected] is the email address for the public to communicate with the Henrico County Electoral Board.

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