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Commonwealth’s Attorney

Henrico County, VA Voter Registration and Elections
General Election November 4, 2003


                               A.     Write
Precinct                    Kizer        In
----------------------- --------- ---------
100    Absentee               629         5
101    Coalpit                400         5
102    Dumbarton              195         4
103    Glen Allen             643         9
104    Glenside               149         2
105    Greendale              190         2
106    Hermitage              249         3
107    Hilliard               126         2
108    Hunton                 130         4
109    Johnson                 92         2
110    Lakeside               264         2
111    Longan                 397         3
112    Maude Trevvett         187         2
113    Staples Mill           709         9
114    Summit Court           165         2
115    Westwood               191         2
201    Adams                  148         2
202    Azalea                 188         1
203    Belmont                117         3
204    Brookland               83         1
205    Canterbury             173         1
206    Central Gardens        214         2
207    Chamberlayne           300         4
208    Fairfield              142         1
209    Glen Lea               123         4
210    Greenwood              140         2
211    Highland Gardens       127         6
212    Hollybrook              81         2
213    Hungary                162         4
214    Longdale                97         1
215    Maplewood              202         1
216    Moody                  118         1
217    Mountain                36         1
218    Oakview                 10         1
219    Randolph                54         1
220    Ratcliffe              245         4
221    Stratford Hall          29         1
222    Wilder                 153         2
223    Yellow Tavern          169         2
301    Causeway               414         3
302    Cedarfield             484         5
303    Crestview              188         7
304    Innsbrook              288         4
305    Jackson Davis          365        10
306    Monument Hills         199         1
307    Nuckols Farm           864         3
308    Pocahontas             330         4
309    Ridge                  326         3
310    Sadler               1,033         5
311    Shady Grove            752         8
312    Skipwith               381         2
313    Springfield            213         7
314    Stoney Run             781        10
315    Three Chopt            361         1
316    Tucker                 218         6
401    Byrd                   355         5
402    Derbyshire             360         4
403    Freeman                218         5
404    Gayton                 558         8
405    Godwin                 411         8
406    Lakewood               343         9
407    Lauderdale             395         6
408    Maybeury               541         3
409    Mooreland              261         1
410    Pemberton              262         6
411    Pinchbeck              405         9
412    Ridgefield             406         3
413    Rollingwood            329         5
414    Spottswood             172         0
415    Tackahoe               683         5
416    West End               522         4
501    Antioch                343         0
502    Cedar Fork             136         3
503    Chickahominy           413         2
504    Donahoe                160         1
505    Dorey                  373         6
506    Eanes                  177         0
507    Elko                   142         0
508    Highland Springs       187         6
509    Laburnum               193         3
510    Masonic                134         4
511    Mehfoud                250         1
512    Montrose               194         3
513    Nine Mile              161         1
514    Pleasants              272         4
515    Sandston               428         3
516    Sullivans              637        14
517    Town Hall              211         1
518    Whitlocks              317         4
----------------------- --------- ---------
Totals                     25,973       322

Contact Us

Voter Registration and Elections

Western Government Center
4305 E. Parham Rd.
Admin Building AnnexRoom 105
Henrico, VA 23228

Eastern Government Center
3820 Nine Mile Rd
Room 100
Henrico, VA 23223

(804) 501-4347

(804) 501-5081

[email protected]

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

[email protected] is the email address for the public to communicate with the Henrico County Electoral Board.

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