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Contact an Inspector

Environmental Compliance Inspectors ensure land disturbance within Henrico County is managed in accordance with state and federal requirements in order to protect downstream or downhill resources from excessive soil erosion or stormwater pollution. 

Patrick Weddel 
Environmental Compliance Supervisor 

(Office): (804) 727-8328 
(Cell): (804) 349-5566 
[email protected] 

Jacob Nun 
Environmental Compliance Specialist III 

(Cell): (804) 349-3204 
[email protected]

John Leavitt
Environmental Compliance Specialist I 

(Cell): (804) 349-2368
[email protected]

Ashley Hailey 
Environmental Compliance Specialist I 

(Cell): (804) 349-5563 
[email protected]

Sarah Henrikson 
Environmental Compliance Specialist I 

(Cell): (804) 332-4239 
[email protected]  

Troy Bryant 
Environmental Compliance Specialist I 

(Cell): (804) 335-6939 

[email protected] 

Anatoly Mazur 
Environmental Compliance Specialist I 

(Cell): (804) 349-3205 
[email protected] 

Ryan Messinger 
Environmental Compliance Specialist I 

(Cell): (804) 229-6959 
[email protected] 

Jeremiah Moore
Environmental Compliance Specialist I 

(Cell): (804) 659-8062
[email protected]

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