‘It’s good to know we’ve impacted our community in a positive way’
Robin Gilbert’s thumbs are scraped and sore – a testament to the more than 160,000 COVID-19 vaccine shots given at Richmond Raceway over the past four months.
Continue reading 160,000 shots later, Henrico prepares to end mass vaccination events
Henrico County’s walk-up COVID-19 vaccination events at Richmond Raceway now will be available to individuals 12 and older. The remaining events, set for May 19, 20, 26 and 27, will offer extended hours, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. An appointment is not required.
Continue reading Henrico County to hold series of walk-up COVID-19 vaccination events

Henrico County is holding its first walk-up COVID-19 vaccination event for the general public from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, April 30.
Continue reading Henrico County to hold walk-up COVID-19 vaccination event Friday

Henrico’s emergency program has already covered nearly $400,000 in costs
Continue reading Financial assistance available to eligible renters impacted by COVID-19

Richmond Raceway, Westwood Pharmacy supporting effort
A mass effort to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to public safety and public schools employees in the region is underway at Richmond Raceway in Henrico County with help from a local pharmacy.
Continue reading COVID-19 vaccinations underway for region’s public safety, public schools employees

The Richmond and Henrico Health Districts (RHHD) are working diligently to provide COVID-19 vaccinations. More than 13,000 people have received the vaccine at RHHD vaccination events and in hospitals and long-term care facilities.
Continue reading COVID-19 vaccinations underway in Henrico

Henrico County has created an online resource for residents who may be struggling to make mortgage or rent payments or may face other challenges from COVID-19.
Continue reading Henrico creates webpage to help residents tap CARES Act funding
County manager pledges support as Sheriff’s Office prepares to expand testing
An additional 79 inmates and six jail staff have tested positive for COVID-19, as the Henrico County Sheriff’s Office prepares to expand testing for the coronavirus at Jail West and Jail East.
In a news conference, Sheriff Alisa A. Gregory provided an update on the COVID-19 outbreak that surfaced July 5, with three inmates at Jail West testing positive after experiencing mild symptoms of the disease.
In subsequent testing last week, an additional 43 inmates at Jail West were confirmed positive.
With additional results received early today, a total of 125 inmates at Jail West now have tested positive for COVID-19. All remain under quarantine, with eight showing only mild symptoms and all others asymptomatic, Gregory said.
Continue reading An additional 79 inmates, 6 jail staff test positive for COVID-19
Henrico residents who are experiencing financial hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic and are at risk of losing their rental house or apartment can apply for emergency support through the Henrico COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance program.
Continue reading Henrico launches rental assistance program for residents impacted by the COVID economy
79 other inmates, more than 100 jail staff to be tested for possible exposure
Three inmates at Henrico County’s Jail West have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 after six inmates were tested over the weekend following complaints of mild symptoms of the disease.
Continue reading 3 inmates at Henrico’s Jail West test positive for COVID-19

Volunteers needed for no-contact deliveries in Brookland, Tuckahoe districts
Henrico will distribute “care kits” with reusable face coverings and informational flyers to homes in the county’s western area Saturday, May 30 to help residents protect themselves during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Continue reading Henrico to distribute more COVID-19 ‘care kits’ Saturday

EDA to cover permit fees for temporary structures for outdoor dining, retail
Henrico County is offering technical support, streamlining its processes and covering certain permit fees to help businesses reopen safely under the Commonwealth’s Forward Virginia guidelines.
Continue reading Henrico offers support for businesses reopening under state guidelines
Clinic set for May 14 at Eastern Henrico Recreation Center, two more next week
Free COVID-19 testing continues to be available for Henrico County residents who are experiencing symptoms, even if they do not have health insurance.
Continue reading Health Districts offer community testing for COVID-19
Program aims to increase protections for staff, community
Henrico County has begun offering COVID-19 testing to first responders and other frontline employees regardless of whether they show symptoms of the disease.
Officials are hoping to strengthen protections for these workers and the community as well as increase understanding of how the virus spreads without carriers exhibiting the common symptoms of a high fever, a dry cough or shortness of breath.
Continue reading Henrico offers COVID-19 testing to public safety workers