Do you have a planning or land use related question? Then you probably want to talk to somebody in the Planning Department. Find the category most closely related to your question, and then call the number listed to the right. You can also call the main office number at 501-4602.
Now you can use e-mail links to contact Planning Department staff. Click on the position you wish to contact to compose and send a message. Please report any problems with these links to [email protected].
Director of Planning
R. Joseph Emerson, AICP
[email protected]
(804) 501-4605
Assistant Director of Planning
Jean M. Moore
[email protected]
Phone: (804) 501-4229
Assistant Director of Planning
Leslie News, PLA
[email protected]
Phone: (804) 501-4349
Airport Plans |
(804) 501-4604 |
(804) 501-4488 |
Board of Zoning Appeals |
(804) 501-4286 |
(804) 501-4610 |
(804) 501-4486 |
Board of Zoning Appeals Agenda/Minutes |
(804) 501-4610 |
Bonds/Letters of Credit |
(804) 501-4609 |
Building Permits |
(804) 501-4477 |
Building Permits |
(804) 501-7280 |
Business Licenses |
(804) 501-7280 |
Demographics/Census Data |
Molly Mallow |
(804) 501-5227 |
(804) 501-4427 |
Historic Preservation |
(804) 501-4488 |
Inoperable Motor Vehicles (Community Maintenance) |
(804) 501-4757 |
Kennel Licenses – Information and Zoning Approval |
(804) 501-7280 |
Maps |
(804) 501-7280 |
Music Festival Permits |
County Attorney’s Office |
(804) 501-4342 |
Director’s Agenda (PODs, Site Plans and Subdivisions) |
(804) 501-4606 |
Planning Commission Agenda/Minutes (Rezoning/PUPs) |
(804) 501-4608 |
Plan of Development (PODs) Administration |
(804) 501-5290 |
Plans of Development (PODs and Site Plans) |
Patricia Glenn | (804) 501-4606 |
Aimee Crady, AICP | (804) 501-7175 | |
Christina Goggin, AICP | (804) 501-5159 | |
Spencer Norman | (804) 501-4626 | |
Kristin Smith | (804) 501-4604 | |
Kate McMillion Plan Review Expeditor |
(804) 501-4611 | |
R. Todd Rigler | (804) 501-4646 | |
Lisa Blankinship | (804) 501-5486 | |
Matthew West | (804) 501-5323 | |
A. Borden Edgerton, PLA | (804) 501-5978 | |
Property Addressing |
(804) 501-4645 |
Rezonings and Provisional Use Permit Administration |
(804) 501-5226 |
Rezonings and Provisional Use Permits | Carmen Rabago | (804) 501-4608 |
Livingston Lewis | (804) 501-5822 | |
Michael Morris | (804) 501-4635 | |
Seth Humphreys | (804) 501-4427 | |
Rosemary Deemer, AICP | (804) 501-4488 | |
Kelly Drash | (804) 501-4645 | |
Molly Mallow | (804) 501-5227 | |
Ali Hartwick | (804) 501-5464 | |
Neha Shinde,AICP | (804) 501-4284 | |
Sand and Gravel Permits |
(804) 501-4286 |
Sign Permits |
(804) 501-7280 |
Special Events Licenses |
(804) 501-4486 |
Subdivision Administration |
(804) 501-5290 |
Subdivisions – Recordation |
(804) 501-4636 |
Use Permits (Conditional, Temporary) and Variances |
Paul Gidley, CZA | (804) 501-4610 |
Zoning Information |
(804) 501-7280 |
Zoning Complaints and Violations | Community Maintenance | (804) 501-4757 |