Zoning Districts and Uses

Chapter 24 of the Henrico County Cod


The following is intended only as a summary of zoning districts and permitted uses as set forth in the Henrico County Zoning Ordinance. For specific regulations please refer to https://henrico.gov/pdfs/planning/Ch24.2024-11-12.pdf

Conservation and Agricultural Districts Planned Development Districts
Residential Districts Overlay Districts
Nonresidential and Mixed Use Districts



C-1   The Conservation District is intended to preserve and protect the County’s natural resources, especially flood plain and floodway, while providing for their use and enjoyment. Allowed uses include agriculture and forestry and their support uses, noncommercial recreation areas and facilities, and animal care.

A-1  The Agricultural District is intended to preserve areas for traditional agricultural activities and to provide for their continuation as well as to preserve areas of rural character. Allowed uses include agriculture, one-family dwellings on lots of one acre, and limited institutional and commercial uses in appropriate locations.



Minimum  Area

Minimum Width

Front and Rear
Yard Setback

Side Yard

1 acre
200 feet
50 feet
20 feet
35,000 sq. ft.
175 feet
50 feet
20 feet
25,000 sq. ft.
150 feet
50 feet
20 feet
21,500 sq. ft.
125 feet
45 feet

15 feet

18,000 sq. ft.
100 feet
45 feet
15 feet
13,500 sq. ft.
80 feet
45 feet
12 feet
11,000 sq. ft.
80 feet
40 feet
12 feet
9,500 sq. ft.
70 feet
35 feet

10 feet

8,000 sq. ft.
65 feet
35 feet

10 feet

7,750 sq. ft.
60 feet
35 feet
8 feet


GENERAL RESIDENCE DISTRICTS are intended to provide for a range of housing types in a medium-density setting. Allowed uses include dwellings and supporting institutional, recreational, and public facilities and uses. The R-6 district also allows a limited range of commercial uses within a planned community approved by provisional use permit.

R-5A: Single-family dwellings on lots of 5,625 sq. ft., which may be detached, attached, or located on a zero lot line; and duplexes on lots of 11,250 sq. ft.

R-5:     Townhouses at a density of 12 units per acre; multifamily dwellings at a density of 14.5 units per acre; assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and continuing care facilities may be allowed by provisional use permit

R-6:     Townhouses at a density of 12 units per acre; and multifamily dwellings at a density of 19.8 units per acre, or as otherwise specified in a master planned community; assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and continuing care facilities

RTH:    Townhouses at a density of 12 units per acre and multifamily dwellings at a density of nine units per acre



Community Mixed-Use District
is intended to increase available housing options while creating an enhanced pedestrian environment in which residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or entertainment uses are physically and functionally integrated. Uses may be mixed horizontally (on adjacent lots), vertically (within the same building), or both. The CMU base zoning district is distinguished from the UMU Planned Development District in that the base zoning district does not require the master plan, terms and conditions, and other documentation required for rezoning to a planned development district. Allowed uses include townhouses and multifamily dwellings (other dwelling types by provisional use permit); commercial and office uses; and cultural or educational facilities.


O-1  This district is intended to be provide land for small offices compatible with adjacent or nearby low-density residential neighborhoods. Allowed uses include offices (including medical), artist studios, and professional services; limited retail uses such as financial institutions; and childcare and adult care.

O-2  This district is intended to provide land for offices compatible with medium-density residential development. Allowed uses include offices, artist studios, and professional services; limited retail uses such as financial institutions; childcare and adult care; and hospitals and other medical care facilities. Additional retail uses may be allowed by provisional use permit.

O-3  This district is intended to provide land for large offices and office parks located along major thoroughfares. Allowed uses include offices, limited retail uses, childcare and adult care; hospitals and other medical care facilities, and limited retail uses. Additional retail uses may be allowed by provisional use permit.

O/S Office/Service District allows for the development of office uses in combination with appropriate retail, service, and light industrial uses. Development in the district will occur within a distinct and planned environment under unified control and operational standards. Allowed uses include offices; childcare and adult care; trade schools; hotels; limited retail such as financial institutions, restaurants, drug stores, theaters, convenience stores; and light industrial, manufacturing, and warehousing uses.



B-1   This district is intended to provide for low-intensity retail and personal service uses that serve the needs of relatively small land areas. Within the district, the height of buildings and size of certain uses, as well as permitted hours of operation, are limited to enhance the neighborhood character of the district, its function of neighborhood service, and its compatibility with surrounding residential uses. Allowed uses include offices, retail uses, and live/work dwellings.

B-2   This district is intended to provide lands primarily for community shopping, recreational, and service activities generally serving a community of several neighborhoods and appropriately located on major collector or arterial roadways. Allowed uses include offices, retail uses, drive-thru and specialty restaurants, automotive filling stations, and live/work dwellings.

B-3   This district is intended to provide a mix of commercial, automotive, and recreational activities that are located appropriately on arterial roadways. Allowed uses include offices; retail uses; drive-thru and specialty restaurants; automobile sales, rental, repair, and service; live/work dwellings; theaters, arenas, stadiums, and sports parks; and kennels.



M-1 Light Industrial District is intended to provide lands for a variety of commercial uses and manufacturing, fabricating, and warehousing activities that only produce minimal odors, noises, and similar adverse impacts on nearby lands. To ensure minimal adverse impacts, many industrial activities are only allowed if conducted within enclosed buildings. Allowed uses include light manufacturing, laboratories, warehouses, and recycling.

M-2 General Industrial District is intended to provide lands for a variety of commercial uses and manufacturing, fabricating, and warehousing activities that have the potential to produce low to moderate levels of odor, noise, and similar adverse impacts on nearby lands. To minimize adverse impacts on adjacent lands, many uses are allowed only if they are located a minimum distance from adjacent Residential zoning districts. Allowed uses include manufacturing, laboratories, warehouses, and recycling.

M-3 Heavy Industrial District is intended to provide lands that accommodate intense industrial development that is important to the County’s economy but may adversely impact surrounding lands. To minimize adverse impacts on nearby lands, many uses are allowed only if they are located a minimum distance from adjacent Residential zoning districts. Allowed uses include heavy manufacturing, large distribution warehouses, and salvage operations.



Planned Development Districts encourage innovative and efficient land planning and physical design concepts on large, unified sites with environmental sensitivity, energy efficiency, and provision of public services. They provide greater flexibility in selecting the form and design of development, circulation, conservation, integration of open and civic space, and the provision of amenities. By providing a well-integrated mix of nonresidential uses, residential dwelling types, lot sizes, and densities and intensities within the same development, they allow more efficient use of land, with coordinated and right-sized networks of streets, utilities, and pedestrian connections, both within the development and to other developments nearby.

Suburban Residential Mixed Planned Development District
is intended to encourage unified, high-quality residential development with a harmonious blend of different dwelling types under a master plan that creates a community rather than a series of isolated subdivisions. The variety of housing types is complemented by prominent open space developed for active recreational purposes, as well as preservation of significant natural resources. It is intended predominantly for residential development; however, community services, day care, educational facilities, and institutional uses are allowed, as well as recreation, entertainment, retail sales, and personal service uses primarily serving the residents of the district. Unlike the TND-PD District, the streets are not required to be connected in a grid-like manner, alleys are optional, and retail uses may be segregated from the residential uses.

The Traditional Neighborhood Planned Development District
is intended to encourage unified, high-quality development combining a variety of lot sizes and housing types with public parks in a compact, walkable neighborhood setting. Depending on its size, the development may include commercial and civic uses. The variety of housing types is served by a highly interconnected street network that complements the topography and natural features of the site, with setbacks appropriate to create a public realm built on a human scale. Prominent sites are saved for community buildings or parks. Parking lots and garage doors are located at the rear of buildings, accessed by alleys. Each TND-PD district will feature a discernable center, such as a park or civic use. In a district over 40 acres in land area, the overall development will be designed around a village center including commercial uses, and each neighborhood will be designed around a park or civic use. The intent of allowing nonresidential uses is to create a small node of retail and commercial services primarily for the convenience and enjoyment of residents of the TND District. Unlike the UMU-PD District, mixed uses are located primarily on adjacent sites rather than on separate floors of the same building.

The Urban Mixed Use Planned Development District
is intended to encourage moderate to high density neighborhood development integrated with commercial and civic uses. Unlike the base zoning districts, which prescribe specific design standards, the UMU-PD District allows the applicant to propose development standards for review and approval. Like the TND-PD district, the UMU-PD district combines a variety of lot sizes and housing types with public parks in a compact, walkable neighborhood setting. However, the UMU-PD district allows for more intense development with higher density, and commercial and civic uses are required. In exchange for substantial flexibility, it features a highly interconnected street network that recognizes and complements the topography, views, and other natural features of the site, with setbacks appropriate to create a public realm built on a human scale. Prominent sites are saved for community buildings or parks. Parking lots and garage doors are located at the rear of buildings, accessed by alleys. Each UMU-PD district features a center of commercial, entertainment, and office uses in multi-story buildings that meet most of the residents’ needs while also attracting business from outside the development. A variety of dwelling types are located within a short walk of the center. Mixed uses are located on separate floors of the same building, as well as on adjacent sites.

The Light Industrial Planned Development District
is intended to encourage unified, high-quality, mixed-use development that encourages light industrial employment centers to be located near residential and commercial uses, creating an environment where residents live, work, shop, and play. LI-PD districts may combine residential, commercial, office, and light industrial uses complemented by prominent open space developed for active recreational purposes, as well as preservation of significant natural resources. The LI-PD district is intended to encourage the efficient use of land and resources, promote greater efficiency in providing services and infrastructure, and mitigate potential adverse impacts on surrounding developments. It is the most flexible of the PD districts, allowing for more variety of nonresidential uses while not requiring suburban, traditional neighborhood, or urban forms of development.



Overlay Districts provide supplemental standards with respect to special areas, land uses, or environmental features, that supersede the standards of the underlying base zoning district or planned development district.

Airport Safety Overlay District
restricts the height of structures and natural growth in the vicinity of Richmond International Airport and prohibits any use that would interfere with aircraft landing, taking off, or maneuvering with the intention of using the airport.

West Broad Street Overlay District
establishes additional requirements for development in the West Broad Street corridor in order to reduce traffic congestion, protect landowners from potential adverse impacts of adjoining development, avoid distracting visual clutter, and enhance the appearance and environment of western Henrico County consistent with the aesthetic values of the district.

Innsbrook Redevelopment Overlay District
provides flexibility for redevelopment projects through development policies adopted with the Innsbrook Area Study contained in the 2026 Land Use Plan while protecting landowners from possible adverse impacts of adjoining development and encouraging development that is consistent in timing and location with available public facilities.

Westwood Redevelopment Overlay District
provides flexibility for redevelopment projects by providing alternative parking requirements, protecting landowners from adverse impacts of adjoining development, ensuring adequate access for existing and future development, and encouraging the timing and location of development consistent with available public facilities.

Route 5 Corridor Overlay District
ensures new development and significant redevelopment is consistent with the desired character of the district by preserving views from Route 5 of existing mature stands of trees, ensuring that development is located and designed in ways that respect existing topography and the natural features of the land, minimizing the visual impact of new development using existing and supplemental vegetation, maintaining a consistent character along the corridor, and ensuring development is consistent with the built character of development in the corridor.

Glen Allen Overlay District
encourages development that is appropriate for the district, prevents traffic congestion, avoids distracting visual clutter, and facilitates the creation of a convenient, attractive, and harmonious community. More specifically, it is intended to ensure adequate buffering, screening and landscaping to help reduce the visual impacts of development; ensure well planned development; protect landowners from adverse impacts of adjoining development; and enhance the environment and appearance of the district.

Form-Based Alternative Overlay District
is intended to provide an alternative set of standards for targeted areas within the County that may be used as an option by a landowner in place of the zoning district standards that apply in the base district, in order to achieve a balance between vehicular and pedestrian-oriented design and facilitate mixed-use, walkable development at higher densities. The FBA-O District standards allow landowners and developers to access otherwise untapped potential on a property by allowing additional forms of development by right in exchange for a better public realm.

Contact Us


Physical Address
4301 East Parham Road
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-4602

(804) 501-4379

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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