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2026 Comprehensive Plan


The Planning Department, along with their consultants, completed several reports which were used to help formulate the Comprehensive Plan. This background information has been included in the Plan’s Appendices.

Demand Analysis (Appendix A): The Demand Analysis provides forecasts for Henrico’s population, housing, employment, and non-residential floor area through the year 2026.

Capacity Analysis (Appendix B): The Capacity Analysis illustrates possible scenarios for development in the County based on land that may be available for possible future development.  NOTE: this is a large file due to the maps included. A text only version can also be downloaded.

Demographic Appendix (Appendix C): The Demographic Appendix was produced by the Henrico County Planning Department and contains basic information on population, housing and patterns of land use in the County.

Travel Demand Model Methodology (Appendix D): This report documents the framework and update process of the Richmond/Tri-Cities MPO travel demand model.

Transportation Systems Management Strategies (Appendix E): This section of the report presents several Transportation System Management strategies and is followed by an assessment of how these might be applied to corridors within Henrico County.

Housing Affordability (Appendix F): This section outlines how the County meets the requirements of the Code of Virginia as it pertains to affordable housing.


Documents currently available for download are:

All documents have been updated as of August 12, 2009


The 2026 Comprehensive Plan adopted on August 11, 2009 has now replaced the 2010 Comprehensive Plan as the official comprehensive plan for Henrico County.

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Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-4602

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