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Triad/S.A.L.T. Council

What is the Triad/S.A.L.T. Council?

Henrico Triad is a three-way commitment among our Police Division, seniors and community partners. The Triad partnership in Virginia, through the Office of the Attorney General, protects our growing elderly population.

Henrico County’s Triad is run by a council called S.A.L.T., which is an acronym for Seniors And Law Enforcement Together.

Image shows the Seniors And Law Enforcement Together Patch on a blue vest.

Triad/S.A.L.T. Goals are to:

The goal of Triad is to reduce the fear of crime and victimization among seniors by increasing awareness of scams and frauds targeting them, strengthening communication between the law enforcement and senior communities, and educating seniors on local and state resources that are available in their communities. This goal is accomplished through speaking engagements, community collaborations and targeted training for seniors.

When are Triad/S.A.L.T. meetings?

Our meetings are on the first Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise scheduled) at 10 a.m. in the Shared Classrooms of the Henrico County Training Center (7701 E. Parham Rd, Henrico, VA 23294). We do not meet during July and August.

Some Triad/S.A.L.T. programs are:Image shows a Triad-S.A.L.T. member with brown hair wearing a blue vest with the words Henrico S.A.L.T. on the back

  • File of Life
  • Public Safety Education and Awareness Seminars

For information regarding Triad/S.A.L.T. Council, please call (804) 501-4838 or email [email protected]



Contact Us


7721 E. Parham Rd.
Henrico, VA 23294

Police Non-Emergency
(804) 501-5000
General Information
(804) 501-4800

[email protected]

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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Social Media Policy 
Additional Contact Information
Email is not monitored 24 hours a day.
Please call 911 if you have an emergency.

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