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Mosquito Information

Zika Information:  Please visit the CDC Zika Virus Webpage to learn more about Zika virus.  For mosquitoes to cause an outbreak in the continental U. S., the CDC says all of the following must happen:

  • People infected with a virus (like Zika, dengue, or chikungunya) must enter the U.S.
  • An Asian tiger or yellow fever mosquito in the U.S. bites an infected person during the first week of infection when the virus can be found in the person’s blood. (The Asian tiger mosquito is present in Henrico County but the yellow fever mosquito is not)
  • The infected mosquito lives long enough for the virus to multiply and for the mosquito to bite another person.
  • The cycle continues multiple times to start an outbreak.

The Virginia Mosquito Control and the Governor’s Zika Task Force have developed an informative training video to help answer questions about Zika virus.  This video is designed for mosquito control personnel as well as Virginia residents who wish to be proactive about mosquito control around where they live.  Please take the time to watch and share:

The Standing Water Initiative

The Henrico County Standing Water Initiative promotes an integrated approach to mosquito management. Services and educational programs are provided to help reduce human discomfort associated with large mosquito populations and to help prevent the possibility of mosquito transmitted diseases such as West Nile virus, Zika virus, Chikungunya virus and Dengue virus.  The Standing Water Initiative accomplishes its mission by offering free mosquito inspections, conducting larval and adult mosquito surveillance, applying mosquito larvicides to standing water on county property and providing education and outreach services to community groups and schools.

There are 42 different mosquito species in Henrico County.  The Asian tiger mosquito is the most common species, generating 99% of our mosquito complaints.  This mosquito is a “container breeder” and homeowners play an important role in the reduction of Asian tiger mosquitoes.  Any container-like item holding water for seven days or more is a potential breeding site.  Toys, bird baths, plastic corrugated pipes, flowerpot saucers, tarps, old tires, etc… must be emptied once per week.  Asian tiger mosquitoes will lay eggs in items with just a couple tablespoons of water, such as a bottle cap. Our “PICK-a-DAY to FIGHT-the-BITE” campaign provides simple steps to help residents and to encourage mosquito-smart communities.

NEW online: Do Your Part to Fight the Bite

NEW online: Mosquito Inspection Form





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