Encouraging awareness and expansion of Henrico County’s sustainable transportation infrastructure.
- VA Capital Trail
- Fall Line Trail
- Richmond Regional Bike Network
- Henrico County Draft Bike Plan
- 56 Miles of Bike Facilities in Henrico as of May 2024
- GRTC is the Richmond Region’s primary public transit provider.
- Henrico has 10 active bus routes.
- Over 350 bus stops in the County.
- How Transit Relates to Environmental Sustainability
- 269 Miles of sidewalk in Henrico as of May 2024
- Requests for Sidewalks
- Walkable Cities Can Benefit The Environment, The Economy, And Your Health

This newsletter will give monthly project updates, as well as traffic impacts and surveys for potential upcoming projects so your voice can be heard. Each version is customized to your district!
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Arrive Alive Henrico is the county’s plan to improve transportation safety for all road users, regardless of how they navigate around the county. Funding was provided through Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A), which promotes transportation safety by supporting efforts to reduce roadway fatalities and serious injuries.
Did you know about the WOAH! campaign?
Deep Run High School senior Anooshka Pendyal knows that safety is always in fashion. Sporting one of its bright yellow, reflective vests, the Deep Run High School senior recorded a public service announcement for Watch Out Ahead Henrico! (WOAH!), the county’s pedestrian and road safety campaign.
Vests are available to the public at no cost at various locations, including Henrico’s police stations, government centers and area libraries.