We offer Same Day Access for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder services, please contact our Access Services Call Center at (804) 727-8515 for more information or if interpreter services are needed.
New Requests for Mental Health and Substance Use Services:
- Same Day Access to services is available at our East Center and Woodman Road Offices. Individuals requesting services are encouraged to walk into the office with a photo ID, copy of insurance card if the individual has insurance, or proof of income if the individual is uninsured. If requesting services on behalf of another, that individual must be present for the Same Day Access visit.
- Same Day Access is available: Monday through Wednesday: 7:30 to 3:00pm, Thursdays: 7:30 to 5:30 pm. Friday: 7:30 to 11:00 am at both locations.
- Eligibility for services will be determined by clinical staff during the intake process.
- During the Same Day Access process you can expect to be here for 2-2 ½ hours where you will be asked to fill out paperwork about your concerns, meet with an Intake Screener who will review your information and enter it into the computer, complete insurance information and review general information about the Agency, and meet with a licensed clinician who will gather information about your treatment needs, history and other important aspects of your life. You and the clinician will discuss what type of treatment is best for you and a timeframe for how long the treatment may last. If you and the clinician determine you will be better served by other community providers, the clinician will assist you in making a referral for care.