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Adult Recovery Services

Services for adults with severe and persistent mental illness are based on a concept of recovery, a belief that individuals experiencing illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder can lead meaningful and rewarding lives. Our goal is to develop partnerships with individuals, families, community agencies and advocacy groups to provide opportunities for individuals to explore their talents and strengths and to recognize their ability to contribute meaningfully to the community. We recognize that many with these illnesses experience lifelong symptoms that ebb and flow over time. In order to meet these changing needs we provide a variety of services both in the clinic and the community. The service components of Adult Recovery Services include:

Case Management & Assessment

Case managers assist individuals on the journey to recovery. Case managers work actively to link individuals they serve with services and opportunities in the community that will assist in meeting basic needs and provide life-enriching opportunities to further their recovery goals. Case Management services include:

  • Monitoring symptoms and coordinating psychiatric and medical care.
  • Linking to community resources such as Social Security, Medicaid, SNAP benefits, Housing.
  • Addressing activities of daily living and linking with appropriate services.
  • Linking to educational groups in the agency and the community such as Co-occurring substance use disorder groups, Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) Groups, and consumer advocacy groups.
  • Coordinating services with other agencies such as the court system and the Department of Social Services.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Lakeside Center (LSC), a community based psychosocial rehabilitation program, subscribes to the values and beliefs of a recovery-oriented psychiatric rehabilitation program. Lakeside Center offers time limited services to adults ages 18 and older that experience serious and persistent mental illness. Lakeside Center involves members in the planning, operating, and evaluation of the program. Members and staff work together on a variety of tasks varying from simple to complex, but all necessary to the functioning of the program.

Lakeside Center provides individuals with the opportunity to build skills, and confidence in supportive setting by providing psycho-educational, social, recreational and skill training activities. Members have the opportunity to learn both clerical and culinary skills.

  • The Clerical Unit is responsible for maintaining membership information and statistics, providing program tours, selling lunch tickets and tracking the daily lunch count, supply inventory, answering calls at the front desk, distributing the mail, operating the member boutique, and development of the monthly newsletter, calendar of events, and lunch menu. This unit also performs light janitorial duties.
  • The Culinary Unit is responsible for preparing and serving daily balanced lunches to program members. Both members and staff plan menus and prepare the food. The unit cleans the kitchen, washes the dishes, and maintains the dining room. The unit also operates a small snack bar.

Both units are responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of the building and assist with maintaining the grounds. Both units serve to promote peer support networks, gain skills in community resource development, and build a sense of competence about themselves.

In addition to the two skill training units, LSC offers psycho-educational groups. Members have the opportunity to learn about topics relating to health and wellness, symptom recognition and management, proper nutrition, daily living skills, medications, recovery, leisure planning, and community integration. Group topics are based on member preferences and are rotated in order to maximize member participation.

Lakeside Center offers weekly Friday community outings and bimonthly Saturday social programs to assist members in enjoying leisure activities, developing relationships with peers, establishing relationships in the community, and becoming more integrated in the community in which they reside. Staff facilitates the activity with members’ input and assistance. Activities are based upon the members’ preferences and represent cultural and ethnic diversity of the membership.

Interested individuals may request information by calling the LSC Center Clinical Supervisor at (804) 727-8150. Interested individuals are encouraged to tour LSC and participate in a trial visit located at 5623 Lakeside Avenue, Henrico, VA 23228. The program is open Monday thru Friday, 8:30am to 5:00 pm with social programming occurring on designated Saturdays each month.

Vocational Program

Although a separate service from psychosocial rehabilitation, Vocational Services is housed at Lakeside Center, interested individuals are encouraged to contact the Vocational Services Supervisor at (804)727-8167. Vocational Services is time limited and provides services to adults ages 18 and older that have experienced long-term mental illness. Vocational Services is a collaborative effort between internal agency programs, the Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS), and many community based employers who provide support and employment opportunities for participants. Vocational services has adopted and implemented the Evidenced Based Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model of supported employment. Some of the principles of this model include; building on employer contacts, competitive employment, rapid job search, zero exclusion, and time unlimited follow-along supports. Participants are assessed for services that best fit their needs, abilities, preferences and skills and work directly with vocational services or referred to DARS. DARS provides an onsite counselor to assist with career development. Vocational evaluations may be completed by DARS to measure the appropriate employment options, whether it is work or training for that particular applicant. In each case vocational services provides individuals with the following supports:

  • Job development
  • Job coaching
  • Job training
  • Job retention
  • Employment counseling
  • Benefit counseling
  • Follow -Along services

Interested individuals may request information by calling the Vocational Services Supervisor at (804) 727-8167. The program is open Monday thru Friday, 8:30am to 5:00 pm.

Assertive Community Treatment

ACT (Assertive Community Treatment) services are intended primarily for individuals with psychiatric illnesses that are most severe and persistent such as Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and schizoaffective disorder. ACT services are targeted towards those individuals who have the greatest need as defined as those who have severe symptoms and impairments not effectively remedied by available treatments or who, for reasons related to their mental illness, resist, or avoid involvement with mental health services. Most services are provided in the community or in individuals’ homes and can occur from once per week up to several times each day. Needs of this population include assistance with medication management, housing, entitlements, linkage with health care, psychiatric care, family support and education, basic living skills, supportive counseling, community integration and social support. The goal of these services is to decrease the frequency of inpatient psychiatric treatment, serve individuals in their community of choice and assist them in their mental health recovery.

ACT Staff are available 24 hours per day, seven days per week and utilize the ACT (Assertive Community Treatment) model of care which include:

  • A multi-disciplinary team approach
  • A mobile approach where individuals are served in their homes and communities.
  • A emphasis on the medical/psychiatric aspect of care.
  • An ability to have frequent contact with individuals being served based on their needs, including responding to crises.
  • An employment or employment preparation emphasis.
  • Continuity of care.
  • Intensive outreach.

More information on the ACT model can be found at The Basics of Assertive Community Treatment

Certified Peer Recovery Specialists/Peer Support

Each team within Adult Recovery Services contains at least one peer recovery specialist that is available to assist individuals receiving services with their individualized recovery goals. Peer support affords the opportunity to establish mutually supportive relationships with someone who has experienced similar mental health challenges. Peer support is an evidence-based practice that can help individuals feel better and reduce hospital stays, learn more about themselves, develop closer relationships with others, improve communication skills, and link them to other services in the community.

Community peer and advocacy agencies:

VOCAL (Virginia Organization of Consumers Asserting Leadership)

NAMI Virginia (National Alliance on Mental Illness)

MHAV (Mental Health America of Virginia)

SAARA (Substance Abuse and Addiction Recovery Alliance)

InSHAPE Program

InSHAPE is a wellness program that uses resources in the community, such as gyms, parks, nutrition programs, etc., along with a personal Health Mentor to help you become fit and lose weight. It offers weekly support of a Health Mentor (personal trainer) and nutrition and exercise activities.
The purpose of the program is “to support someone with a serious mental illness develop a healthier and more active lifestyle through increased physical activity, healthy eating, access to routine primary healthcare, social inclusion and engagement in the life of their community.” Ken Jue, Creator and Founder of InSHAPE

Those eligible to participate include:

  • Adults 18 years of age or older
  • BMI over 30
  • Diagnosed with a serious mental illness
  • Given medical clearance by a doctor for participation
  • Interested in meeting weekly with a personal trainer to work towards a healthier life, including exercise and eating well.


Contact Us

Mental Health & Developmental Services

Main Office
10299 Woodman Road
Glen Allen, VA 23060

Access Services Call Center
(804) 727-8515
Main Office Phone
(804) 727-8500
Emergency Services (Mental Health)
(804) 727-8484

Developmental Services Intake Phone
Infant Toddler Connection
Billing information


Mailing Address
10299 Woodman Road
Glen Allen, VA 23060

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