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Outpatient Brief Therapy

Mental health concerns are common. Many mental health problems experienced by adults arise in response to family crises, unusually high stress, and traumatic events. Mental illness is treatable. Brief adult services provide short term services (maximum of 10 to 12 sessions) to address a variety of concerns. Should you be seeking longer term therapy, contact a private provider in the community. Services are provided in individual and group therapy formats. Since interpersonal relationship problems are frequently present, spouses and other family members may also be involved in treatment when appropriate. Common concerns treated include:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Relationship problems
  • PTSD and trauma
  • Grief and Loss

To enter services, contact Same Day Access (804-727-8515) where you will receive a thorough assessment and if appropriate you will be referred for brief therapy. If you have insurance, including Medicaid, and you are seeking medication, you will be required to see an outside medical practitioner to request this. However, if you are uninsured, a medication evaluation may be part of your treatment.
The general course of treatment is 10-12 sessions.

Link to facts about mental illness:

Mindfulness tips:

Evidence Based Treatment Models
The following treatments are provided:

  • DBT Informed techniques
  • Behavioral Activation
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Among others…

Mental health services to the populations described above include a broad range of clinical evaluations and treatment which are provided on an outpatient basis.

  • Clinical evaluations include mental health and substance use evaluations, psychiatric, medication,
    and forensic evaluations by court order.
  • Treatment services include various modes of evidence-based psychotherapy and may include
  • Case consultation is provided to other agencies, including social
    services, schools, courts, and the Commonwealth Attorney’s office.
  • Psychiatric hospitalization referrals are made as appropriate.

MH America




Contact Us

Mental Health & Developmental Services

Main Office
10299 Woodman Road
Glen Allen, VA 23060

Access Services Call Center
(804) 727-8515
Main Office Phone
(804) 727-8500
Emergency Services (Mental Health)
(804) 727-8484

Developmental Services Intake Phone
Infant Toddler Connection
Billing information


Mailing Address
10299 Woodman Road
Glen Allen, VA 23060

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