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Youth and Family Services

Our mission in the Youth and Family Services (YFS) program is to assist youth and their families who are impacted by emotional and behavioral challenges to achieve success and reach their ultimate potential. We strive to accomplish this goal by providing quality mental health and substance use treatment services through community outreach and collaboration, comprehensive assessments, accessible services, and evidence-based practices and treatment.

YFS recognizes that youth have the best opportunity for success when they live with supportive families in a community that is responsive to their unique needs and talents. Based on this knowledge, YFS works to educate and support families who are caring for a youth with emotional, behavioral and/or substance use challenges. Similarly, YFS works with other child serving agencies and community groups to provide education and resources to help increase knowledge and early identification of youth experiencing challenges. In addition to the services linked below, YFS has staff that work in the juvenile detention center and court services unit. We also work closely with local schools to support needs identified in that environment.

Youth and Family Services at Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services relies upon a family systems model to provide treatment and support to youth and their families. Therapy services utilize evidence based practices , such as Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Adolescent-Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA).

Serving youth between the ages of 3 and 18

Youth and Family Services

  • Youth & Family Case Management - Youth and Family Case Management is a service designed to achieve and maintain the stability of youth within the community by assessing their needs, linking them to needed services, coordinating with any involved service providers, and monitoring their overall progress.
  • Youth & Family Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement Training - Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) is a trauma-informed way for any adult to interact with any child or teen in any environment and with a multitude of child populations, ages 2-18.
  • Youth & Family Individual and Family Therapy - Our licensed therapists work with youth to address mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, trauma, mood and emotional dysregulation, and many other complex issues facing youth today.
  • Youth & Family Mentoring and Job Development - Youth and Family Services offers therapeutic mentoring for teens who are either transitioning from a higher level of care or are working on interpersonal and life skills in the community and/or school.
  • Youth & Family Multisystemic Therapy Services - MultiSystemic Therapy (MST) is an evidence-based practice, with extensive statistical data to prove its effectiveness for treating youth with significant behavioral disorders. MST is a family and home-based treatment that focuses on improving youth functioning in their natural settings – home, school, and community.
  • Youth & Family Outpatient Substance Use Program - Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services uses a Recovery Based Model in providing substance abuse use education, individual, family, and group treatment.
  • Youth & Family Support Partner (FSP) Services - We offer FSP Family Support Partner services to caregivers of children who would benefit from the guidance and support of an individual with their own lived experience.

Contact Us

Mental Health & Developmental Services

Main Office
10299 Woodman Road
Glen Allen, VA 23060

Access Services Call Center
(804) 727-8515
Main Office Phone
(804) 727-8500
Emergency Services (Mental Health)
(804) 727-8484

Developmental Services Intake Phone
Infant Toddler Connection
Billing information


Mailing Address
10299 Woodman Road
Glen Allen, VA 23060

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