Saturday, October 19, 2024 9am – 1pm – Dorey Park
A celebration of native plants, the ecosystems they support, and local organizations working hard to protect our environment. We’ll have native plant vendors, informational organizations, and food trucks.
The event will be located next to the Dorey Park Farmers Market at 2999 Darbytown Rd, Henrico, VA 23231
We are happy to announce that we have received a grant from the Virginia Department of Forestry to facilitate a tree giveaway at this year’s festival. We will be giving away 450 one-gallon potted trees on a first come, first served basis. One tree per household will be given while supplies last. Please research your tree before you come to the event.
The links below will take you to the Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia “Tried and True Native Plant Selections for the Mid-Atlantic” fact sheets:
Eastern redbud Cercis canadensis
Witch hazel Hamamelis virginiana
We are also happy to announce that our partner, The Dorey Park Farmer’s Market, has received a grant from H.E.A.R.T. to give out vouchers for guests to redeem for native plants. The vouchers will be available only for the duration of the festival, must be used at the festival, and are limited to one per household.
Native Plant Sellers:
A Wise Gardener
Davis Natives
Colesville Nursery
Flower Moon Nursery
Good Seed Natives
Hill House Farm & Nursery
Local Ecotype Richmond Natives
Moulton Hot Natives
Natives and Blooms
Oak Grove Trees
Parallel Nursery
RVA Homegrown Natives
Seed Pocket Nursery
Woodside Paw Paw
Woolly Bear Natives
Other Sellers:
Rabbit & Wren
Horticulture Class, Ace Center at Virginia Randolph
Food Vendors
Pancake Dad
Con Salsa Venezuelan
Informational Organizations:
Box Turtle Sanctuary of VA
Capital Trees
Future Habitats
Henrico Environmental Action Research Team (HEART) Youth Council
Henrico County Department of Public Works
Henrico County Extension Office/Master Gardeners
Henrico County Mosquito Section
Henrico County Planning Department/HenricoNEXT
Henrico County Public Library
Henricopolis Soil and Water Conservation District
James River Association
James River Park System Invasive Plant Task Force
Keep Virginia Beautiful
Plant RVA Natives
Pocahontas Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society
Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden
Richmond Audubon Society
Richmond Tree Stewards
Sierra Club Falls of the James
Virginia Bluebird Society
Virginia Department of Forestry
Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
Virginia Master Naturalists – Riverine Chapter
Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc.
Wild Ones of Greater Richmond
NOPE Compost Co.
Thank you, Plant Native! Festival Steering Committee:
Matt Brooks – Pocahontas Chapter Virginia Native Plant Society
Bland Goddin – Keep Henrico Beautiful/Virginia Master Naturalists
Cappie and John Montgomery – Dorey Park Farmer’s Market
Dan Schardein – Virginia Master Naturalists
Heather Veneziano – Horticulture, ACE Center at Virginia Randolph
Virginia Witmer – Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program/DEQ
Thank you, Henrico County Recreation and Parks, for being our co-host.
Additional Dorey Park information.