Employment & Volunteer Opportunities
Environmental Health
- Foodservice Permit Application - Before opening a new or extensively remodeled foodservice facility or transferring ownership, the foodservice operator must obtain a foodservice permit from the Henrico County Health Department.
- Lodging Facility/Pool Complaint Form - Complaints about a lodging facility or pool in Henrico County, Virginia can be submitted to the Henrico County Health Department by calling (804) 501-4529 or by completing the form below and submitting it. Please be as specific as possible when describing the complaint. Your name, address and phone number are required for investigation.
- Lodging Permit Application - Before opening a new or extensively remodeled lodging facility (hotel, Bed & Breakfast, Campground, Summer Camp) or transferring ownership, the lodging operator must obtain a lodging permit from the Henrico County Health Department.
- Mobile Food Unit Permit Application - A Health Permit is required for Class II, III, and IV Mobile Food Units before they can be licensed to operate.
- Restaurant Complaint Form - Complaints about a restaurant in Henrico County, Virginia can be submitted to the Henrico County Health Department by calling (804) 501-4529 or by completing the form below and submitting it. Please be as specific as possible when describing the complaint. The Health Department does not accept anonymous Food Service complaints other than sewage backup or a facility without water. Your name, address and phone number are required for investigation.
- Sewage Disposal and/or Water Supply Permit - Apply for onsite sewage disposal system in Henrico County.
- Temporary Foodservice Permit - All persons serving food to the public must have a permit for each temporary event.
Family Planning
- Immunization Clinic - Childhood and select adult immunizations available by appointment.
Long Term/Personal Care Assessment Services
- Long Term/Personal Care Assessment Services - If you or someone in your family needs nursing facility care or personal care in the home and cannot afford the cost, you may be eligible to have this service covered by Medicaid. You can apply for Medicaid online or at your local Department of Social Services.
Newcomer Health (Refugee)
- Office of New Americans-Refugee Services - Our Office of New Americans-Refugee Services exists to address health issues that may influence successful resettlement, identify and intervene on diseases and conditions of public health concern, follow up on medical issues identified overseas, and refer to local medical providers for follow-up and linkage to primary care. The Henrico County Health Department (HCHD) conducts health screenings for both Henrico AND Richmond City refugee clients.
Opioids: Overdose Prevention & Substance Use Resources
- REVIVE! and Rapid Revive! Training - REVIVE! trains individuals to be prepared for, recognize, and respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of Naloxone.
RHHD Overdose Prevention & Substance Use Resources
Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) / HIV
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Clinic - Testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections is provided at the Henrico Health Department East Clinic. Free, confidential HIV testing and counseling also is available.
Substance Use Resources
- REVIVE! and Rapid Revive! Training - REVIVE! trains individuals to be prepared for, recognize, and respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of Naloxone.
RHHD Overdose Prevention & Substance Use Resources
Tuberculosis (TB)
- Tuberculosis (TB) Program - TB program provides services to Henrico residents of all ages that are TB suspects, TB cases, contacts of TB cases, symptomatic of TB, and evaluation of positive TB skin tests, positive IGRA (Interferon Gamma Release Assay) or abnormal chest x-ray suggesting TB.
Vital Records
- Marriage Licenses - Information on how to obtain a marriage license in Virginia.
- Vital Records - Birth, Marriage, Divorce and Death Certificates
Women, Infants & Children (WIC)
- Women, Infants & Children (WIC) - The Virginia WIC Program serves low-income pregnant, lactating and postpartum women and children up to age five.