The Emergency Preparedness program in the Henrico Health District works with local, regional, and state partners to plan and prepare for, respond to, and recover from public health emergencies. Emergency preparedness in the district is coordinated primarily by the District Emergency Coordinator, District Epidemiologist, and Henrico Medical Reserve Corps (HMRC) Coordinator, but all public health personnel play a vital role in public health emergency preparedness and response. Examples of public health emergencies and missions include managing and responding to disease outbreaks, providing emergency shelter medical support, and providing coordination of our Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) unit.
Please take a few minutes to browse this section of the website to learn more about our programs and to take advantage of some personal and professional preparedness resources.
Hurricane Season
The Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1 and lasts through November 30. Henrico Health District is working with local, state, federal, nonprofit, and private sector partners to prepare for hurricanes and other severe weather.
Visit Virginia Department of Emergency Management to learn more about hurricanes in Virginia and what you and your family can do to prepare.
Volunteer with Greater Richmond Medical Reserve Corps!
Would you like to support public health emergency preparedness and response? Visit the Greater Richmond Medical Reserve Corps webpage to learn more about how you can be a part of our team.
Arboviral Disease Prevention
Mosquito-borne diseases, such as Zika Virus Disease and West Nile Virus, are a potential threat in Henrico County. Henrico Health District is part of the Henrico Arboviral Working Group, monitoring for local transmission and sharing important arboviral disease prevention information with the Henrico community. There has been no local transmission of Zika Virus in Virginia.
Henrico Health District is actively working to help residents with chronic disease prepare for emergencies and disasters. Our CODE Prep (Chronic Disease Emergency Preparedness) program is one way we are reaching out to the most vulnerable members of our community. As part of the program, Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) volunteers conduct emergency preparedness outreach and preparedness for dialysis patients, and Henrico Health District is preparing to support dialysis patients in local emergency shelters. If you would like to be a part of this program, visit our Volunteer Page to sign up for Henrico Medical Reserve Corps.
Personal Preparedness
Personal preparedness is vital to helping reduce the impact to families and individuals during natural or man-made disasters. Please review the guidance below and visit the links to strengthen your personal and family preparedness kits and plans and review ways to stay informed before and during disasters.
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Making a KitEmergency kits should provide each family member with enough food and water for 48-72 hours.
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Having a PlanProper planning is critical in personal preparedness so everyone is familiar with where the kit is and how to stay informed before and during a disaster.
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Staying InformedInformation and communication are very important before and during disasters. Below are ways to stay informed.
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Getting InvolvedVolunteering is a very rewarding experience and many programs offer free disaster preparedness and response training.
Prepare for Disasters Brochures
Prepare for Disasters: Special Information For Pregnant Women
Prepare for Disasters: Special Information For Families with Infants or Anyone Caring for a Newborn