All Hands on Deck for the  James River Cleanup   

The James River Cleanup event is over but check out the fun Stewart had in these photos!

Stewart the turtle cutout on some rocks next to a body of water

Henrico County is fortunate to be located along the beautiful James River, but the river habitat isn’t always treated with respect. Trash can make its way into our streams and rivers, polluting waterways, jeopardizing our water supplies. Together, we can make a positive impact on our water resources by picking up litter.  

2 people holding paddles, standing behind a green canoe with orange bags of litter and other litter collected

Looking for a way to contribute? Bring your gloves, insect repellant, and sunscreen to Osborne Park and Boat Landing on September, Sept. 9 to be a part of the James River Regional Cleanup, organized by the James River Advisory Council. Help reduce litter by volunteering with Keep Henrico Beautiful and Henrico Recreation & Parks from 9 – 11 a.m. Trash bags, litter grabbers, vests, drinking water and snacks will be provided!   

Many hands make light work, so bring as many environmental stewards as you know! If you have access to a boat, please bring it with you. Most litter is accessible only by water and, if left alone, can make its way into the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean, causing harm to aquatic life.   

We will see you there!  

Information and Registration

A woman & a young child wearing reflective vests standing on a dock
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