Finance Mission Statement
The Mission of the Department of Finance is to promote excellence, quality and efficiency by… Enhancing the ability of our employees to serve our internal and external customers in an outstanding manner. We will strive to promote a considerate, positive and informed workforce.
Sheila Minor, Finance Director
The Department of Finance is comprised of seven different divisions which are:
Accounting Division
One of the main responsibilities of the Accounting Division is to prepare the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for each fiscal year ending June 30th. The County of Henrico financial report includes all funds and account groups of the “primary government.”
Accounting Director: Brian Edwards
Office of Management & Budget
The Office of Management & Budget (OMB) is responsible for preparing and managing the County’s annual fiscal plan, or budget.
Budget Director: Justin Crawford
The Purchasing Division professionally procures all goods and services essential to Henrico County and Henrico County Public Schools, and ensures the integrity and efficiency of the procurement process in an environment that is fair to all qualified suppliers.
Purchasing Director: Oscar Knott
Real Estate Assessment Division
The Real Estate Division is responsible for real estate assessments. You can get real estate information by calling 804-501-4300. Information can also be faxed.
Real Estate Director: Jason Hughes
Revenue Division
In the County Manager form of government in Henrico County, the Revenue Division performs the functions usually found in the constitutional office of the Commissioner of the Revenue.
Revenue Director: Leo Marsh
Risk Management
The Risk Management Division is responsible for the management of the self-insurance reserve, excess insurance coverages, certificates of insurance for proof of insurance, and oversees the workers’ compensation program and provides claims administration for auto, general, property and professional liability claims.
Risk Manager: Jeanetta Lee
Treasury Division
The Treasury Division is responsible for issuing tax bills and for collecting taxes and other amounts due to the County.
Treasury Director: Louise Evans