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Meet The Staff

Meet the Purchasing Division Staff


Oscar Knott, CPP, CPPO, NIGP-CPP, VCO, Purchasing Director
Phone: (804) 501-5649
Email: [email protected]


Amy Anthes, VCO, Procurement Analyst III, Non-Professional Services and Administration Team
Phone: (804) 501-5686
Email: [email protected]
Non-Professional Services and other related items

Simuel A. Booker, Purchasing Support Specialist, Construction Team
Phone: (804) 501-5692
Email: [email protected]
Surplus Property and Administrative Support

Leisel Collins, CPPB, VCA,VCO, Purchasing Manager, Bidding and Contract Compliance Team
Phone: (804) 501-5687
Email: [email protected]
Commodities, Services and related items

Jon Creger, VCA, VCO, Procurement Analyst II, Non-Professional, Professional Services and Administration Team
Phone: (804) 501-5664
Email: [email protected]
Commodities, Services, Construction and related items

Eileen Falcone, CPPB, Purchasing Manager, Non-Professional, Professional Services and Administration Team
Phone: (804) 501-5637
Email: [email protected]
Non-Professional Services and other related items

Maria Gonzalez,  Purchasing Support Specialist, Non-Professional, Professional Services and Administrative Team
Phone: (804) 501-5681
Email: [email protected]
Administrative Support, Surplus Property Support and Front-line Customer Service

Jonathan Gist, Procurement Analyst I, Construction Team
Phone: (804) 501-5638
Email: [email protected]
Construction and related Services

Justin Herbaugh, VCA, VCO, Procurement Analyst II, Bidding and Contract Compliance Team
Phone: (804) 501-5680
Email: [email protected]
Commodities, Services and related items

Jianchong Luo, CPPB, CPPO, NIGP-CPP, Purchasing Manager, Construction Team
Phone: (804) 501-5688
Email: [email protected]
Construction and related Services

Beverly Mitchell, VCA, VCO, Procurement Analyst II, Construction Team
Phone: (804) 501-5690
Email:  [email protected]
Construction and related Services

Eric Rosen, VCA, VCO, Procurement Analyst III, Construction Team
Phone: (804) 501-5639
Email: [email protected]
Construction and related Services

Annette Ross, Senior Management Specialist, Supplier Relations Manager
Phone: (804) 501-5689
Email: [email protected]

Porsche White, VCA, VCO, Procurement Analyst I, Bidding and Contract Compliance Team
Phone: (804) 501-5679
Email:  [email protected]
Commodities, Services and related items

Angie Woodson, Purchasing Support Specialist, Non-Professional, Professional Services and Administration Team
Phone: (804) 501-5691
Email: [email protected]
Administrative Support, Supplier Registration and Front-line Customer Service


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