Keep Henrico Beautiful Awards Have Sprouted! 

Heart Land Lover Thumbnail

Ladies, gentlemen and lovers of the environment, Keep Henrico Beautiful welcomes you to the environmental award season! An honored tradition since 1995, the Land Lover and Clean Business awards have recognized Henrico County property owners and businesses owners who have been dedicated to using their green thumbs and sustainable environmental practices.  

The 2024 winners were recently acknowledged with celebratory yard signs and a shoutout at a Board of Supervisors meeting. 

Congratulations to Edward Deale from the Brookland District, Laura George from the Fairfield District, Chris & Marty Migliaccio from the Three Chopt District, the Schreiber family from the Tuckahoe District and Morgan Halverson from the Varina District for bringing home this year’s Land Lover awards. Short Pump Animal Hospital’s sustainable environmental practices earned it this year’s Clean Business Award.  

Business Award

Worried you missed out on your chance to serve as a model community member? Never fear! Applications are open all year. Anyone can apply or nominate their most environmentally conscious friends but only the very best will walk away with the virtual bouquet. To increase your chances, let’s dive into what it takes to win these awards.  

  • Properties must be well-maintained and free of litter.
  • Property owners must participate in a recycling program, composting, or curbside or drop-off service. 
  • Businesses must have outdoor trash cans available for customers. 

In addition to being clean and green, all eligible properties must be located in Henrico and owners must give their permission to participate in the program.  

Heart Landlover Rain Barrel

Need some help figuring out where to start? Perhaps keep an eye out for Henrico’s rain barrel workshops, where you can get started on conserving and repurposing water on your property. If gardening is more your thing, consider researching and planting native plants to encourage a healthy ecosystem right in your backyard. Reducing pesticides, investing in solar panels or getting a soil test are great ways to begin your journey toward becoming a loud and proud land lover!  

Heart Landlover Yard

The Land Lover and Clean Business awards are more than just a title. They’re a testament to the hard work and commitment of Henrico residents and businesses owners who are making our community a cleaner, greener place to live. We invite everyone to participate, share in the Keep Henrico Beautiful mission, and help us continue the tradition of environmental excellence in our beloved community. 

Keep Henrico Beautiful congratulates the 2024 Land Lover and Clean Business Award recipients. We look forward to a flowering of eco-friendly competitions for years to come. 

Heart Brookland
Land Lover Award
Brookland District
Heart Fairfield
Land Lover Award
Fairfield District
Heart Three Chopt
Land Lover Award
Three Chopt District
Heart Tuckahoe
Land Lover Award
Tuckahoe District
Heart Varina
Land Lover Award
Varina District
Heart Business
Clean Business Award
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