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Homeowners’ Associations (HOA)

The purpose of this webpage is to empower Henrico citizens who may live in one of the County’s Homeowner Associations (HOA) and any other inquirers by providing helpful resources, educational outreach, as well as increasing awareness of HOA regulations, rules, and requirements. While we cannot provide legal, accounting, management, or other professional advice, please feel free to email us directly at [email protected] if you would like to discuss particulars related to the information here or if you have additional questions not addressed.

Henrico’s HOA Lookup Feature

Are you trying to locate and/or contact an HOA? Use the HOA Lookup feature to search an address or subdivision name to identify and examine boundaries of an HOA, or to seek out business and contact information provided by the State Corporation Commission Clerk’s (SCC) Information System. The SCC Clerk’s Information System is an online tool accessible to everyone that allows you to use the Business Entity Search to search for business information.

If you have any questions or comments about the HOA Lookup feature, please email us directly at [email protected] or call (804) 501-4757 to speak with one of our Community Revitalization Specialists.

HOA Resources

Coming Soon!

Helpful HOA Links

Contact Us

Community Revitalization

Physical Address
4905 Dickens Road, Suite 200
Henrico, VA 23230

(804) 501-4757

(804) 501–7630

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM


[email protected]

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