Enterprise Zone


What is an Enterprise Zone?

Location of Henrico County Enterprise Zone

Incentives and assistance offered by Henrico County

Will designation as an Enterprise Zone change the zoning of my property?

What State incentives are available to these firms?

How can I learn more about Henrico County’s Enterprise Zone program?

Enterprise Zone Annual Reports


What is an Enterprise Zone?

An Enterprise Zone is a specific area identified by Henrico County and approved by the State for targeting incentives to stimulate business development and job growth. Businesses within the Enterprise Zone can take advantage of State and County financial and technical assistance and other incentives for physical improvements to building, parking areas, and signage.


Location of Henrico County Enterprise Zone

To access a map of the Enterprise Zone, click on one of the three map links described below. In order to view a more detailed map and/or determine whether your business is located within the Henrico County Enterprise Zone there are several options.

  1. Use the County GIS System to determine whether your business falls within the Enterprise Zone.
    1. Select the Search box (top left corner).
    2. Click the down arrow button and select Henrico Address.
    3. Type the business location address or parcel address in the Search box – Once the address is entered; click the Search icon (magnifying glass).
    4. A map with Search Result box will appear, pointing to your address.
    5. Next, click the Layers button (located directly below the Down Arrow of the Search box).
    6. After selecting the Layers button, click the down arrow left from “External GIS Data”. (If the “External GIS Data” layers do not appear, simply refresh the web browser.)
    7. A list of options will appear, click the radio button on the left of “Community Revitalization”.
    8. Again click the down arrow left of “Community Revitalization” and select the radio button on the left of “Enterprise Zones”.
    9. After selecting the appropriate layers, the map should now show the Enterprise Zone for Henrico County.
  2. For maps of all Enterprise Zones in Virginia, including Henrico County, visit the site of the Virginia Economic Development Partnership and click “Access Downloadable Data.

Incentives and assistance offered by Henrico County

For qualifying projects, Henrico County will provide financial assistance, accelerated development processing, permit and fee waivers, a seven year real estate tax exemption, commercial and industrial rehabilitation grants, employment and training assistance, and technical assistance. View the complete list of financial and technical assistance, other incentives available to Enterprise Zone businesses, and application forms.


Will designation as an Enterprise Zone change the zoning of my property?

No, designation as an Enterprise Zone does not change the zoning of your property.


State Incentives

There are two state grants: job creation and real property investment. These are available in addition to the County incentives outlined in the above list. They can be used in conjunction with Henrico County incentives or separately.


Job Creation Grant

Depending on the wage paid and benefits provided, grants are available for up to $800 per job per year for five years.


Real Property Improvement Grant

Businesses making real property improvements in excess of $100,000 for rehabilitation and $500,000 for new construction are eligible for grants up to 20% of the value of the improvement. Maximum amounts available are $100,000 for rehabilitation and $200,000 for new construction.


For additional information on State incentives contact the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (804 371-7040) at [email protected], or visit the Virginia Enterprise Zone Program website.


How can I learn more about Henrico County’s Enterprise Zone program?

Information about the Enterprise Zone and detailed maps can be reviewed at the Permit Centers in the Eastern and Western Government Centers, at any of the Henrico County public libraries, or at the Department of Community Revitalization. For more information concerning the Henrico County Enterprise Zone or for general information on this subject, call the Henrico Department of Community Revitalization at (804) 501-7640.

Enterprise Zone Annual Reports

Each year Henrico County submits to the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development an Annual Report describing activity in the County Enterprise Zone for the previous year.



Contact Us

Community Revitalization

Physical Address
4905 Dickens Road, Suite 200
Henrico, VA 23230

(804) 501-4757

(804) 501–7630

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
8:00 AM to 4:30 PM


[email protected]

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