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Henrico County offices, facilities and courts will be closed Wed, Feb 19 due to the expected inclement weather

No refuse collection Wed, Feb 19. Collection this week is delayed. Public use areas are closed Wed, Feb 19.

UPDATE: Henrico Installs Flashing Yellow Arrows at More Intersections

Henrico County has continued to install new traffic signals to help motorists better understand the need to yield to oncoming traffic before turning left.

In February, the Department of Public Works (DPW) placed at four intersections signals that feature a new flashing yellow arrow, which indicates that drivers may proceed after yielding to oncoming vehicles and pedestrians. The new signals replaced ones that had permitted left turns by showing a solid green circle or ball with a sign that reads, “Left Turn Yield on Green.”

After being encouraged by driver response, the department rolled out the flashing yellow arrows at an additional 10 intersections and is planning to eventually employ them at all 38 intersections where left turns are allowed after yielding to oncoming traffic.

The signals have been installed at:

  • Hungary Road and West End Drive;
  • Hungary Road and Francistown Road;
  • Gaskins Road and Ridgefield Parkway;
  • Creighton Road and Cedar Fork Road;
  • Cox Road and Waterfront Place;
  • Cox Road and Sadler Place;
  • Nuckols Road and Snowmass Road/Capital One Way;
  • Nuckols Road and Concourse Boulevard;
  • Shady Grove Road and Twin Hickory Road;
  • Gayton Road and Ridgefield Parkway; *
  • Ridgefield Parkway and Raintree Drive; *
  • Ridgefield Parkway and Glen Eagles Drive; *
  • John Rolfe Parkway and Liesfeld Parkway; * and
  • John Rolfe Parkway and Three Chopt Road.*

The signals also will be installed at North Gayton Road and Kain Road as part of the North Gayton Road extension project.

The Federal Highway Administration and Virginia Department of Transportation approved the use of flashing yellow signals in light of research showing they reduce the number of left-turn accidents by more clearly conveying that motorists must yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians before proceeding.

“Traffic safety is the most important consideration,” said Steven J. Yob, P.E., director of Henrico DPW. “The old-style green ball doesn’t indicate you can simply make the turn. Some folks are confused by that. They don’t yield to oncoming traffic.”

At the upgraded intersections, the flashing yellow arrow appears during the signal’s normal cycles, which also guides motorists with solid red, green and yellow arrows.

* newest installations

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