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Building Permit – Residential

available online   Online
Effective August 30, 2021, all permit applications for the construction, alteration, addition, repair or demolition of single family dwellings shall be submitted using the Build Henrico Permitting Instructions below. 

To amend or cancel a single family dwelling permit submitted or issued prior to August 30, 2021, see the instructions for Henrico’s former permitting and inspections system, now referred to as the Legacy Permitting System, on this page below.

Build Henrico Permitting Instructions

  • Register for and login to your customer account on the Build Henrico website.
  • Select “Permits” on the Build Henrico home page.
  • Select “Building Permit”.
  • Select “Residential” from the dropdown menu next to “Select the option that best describes the application:” and complete your permit submittal by filling out the online application.
  • Go to Residential Building Permit requirements to review the document submission standards for the construction of one- and two-family dwellings. Upload the following applicable documents to be included with your permit application:
    • Site Plans
    • Construction Plans (Floor Plans, Foundation Plans, Exterior Elevations, Building & Wall Sections, Insulation Details, Fire-Resistant Rated Assemblies, etc.)
    •  Structural Framing & Engineered Designs (Joists, Rafters, Trusses, Beams, Braced Walls, Retaining Walls, Energy Calculations, etc.)
    • Miscellaneous Information (Manufacturer’s Specifications & Installation Instructions, 3rd Party Product Evaluation Reports, etc.)
    • Owner’s Affidavit
    • DPW Forms (Drainage Calculations, Lot Grading Certification, Agreement in Lieu of Sediment Control Plan, Agreement in Lieu of Stormwater Management Plan, Sediment Basin/Trap Waiver Letter, Shared Maintenance Agreement, Single Family Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, Storm Sewer Location Certification)

Document Submission Standards

Go to Help Using Build Henrico for additional information, tutorials and presentations.

Legacy Permitting System

No new building permits are being accepted in our former (Legacy) Land Management System.  Please submit your permit using Build Henrico.

For existing permits that are active in our Legacy system, please mail or hand deliver the following documents along with required fees to the Department of Building Construction and Inspections:

Response to Building Inspections Plan Review Comments (Building Inspections)
1 copy of Response to Plan Review Comments
2 copies of corrected sheets
Note: A fee for this service is assessed for the third and subsequent review at a rate of $25.00 + .50 (state levy) = $25.50 per review.

Permit Resubmittal (Building Inspections or Permit Center) – submit changes to your original permit application
1 copy of Residential Resubmittal Form
2 copies of plot plan if changing location of dwelling or addition
2 copies of revised sheets of construction plans
Note: There is a fee for this service if there is an increase to the original estimated cost.

Permit Extension (Building Inspections)
1 copy of Request for Permit Extension

Permit Cancellation (Building Inspections)
1 copy of Request for Permit Cancellation
Note: You must enter a reason for the cancellation. If a refund is requested, you must add the request to the reason for cancellation. The refund rate is 100% if the permit has not been issued or 75% of the permit fee only if the permit has been issued.

Legacy Documents
Response to Plan Review Comments
Residential Resubmittal Form
Request for Permit Extension
Request for Permit Cancellation
Electrical Resubmittal Form


The fee for a residential building permit is based on the estimated cost of the building construction only.  The current fee is calculated as follows:

New Residential One- and two- family dwellings: $680.00 (flat fee) + $ 13.60 (2% state levy) ————————— = $693.60 (total permit fee)

Existing Residential dwelling:

Additions/alterations, including decks, garages, swimming pools, demolition, and other appurtenances (based on cost of labor and materials to the building owner): $100 for the first $5000, $6 per additional $1000 or fraction thereof, plus 2% state levy. The Building Permit fee for additions/alterations of existing residential dwelling is not to exceed the flat fee ($680 plus state levy) assessed for New Residential one- and two-family dwellings. Existing Residential Dwelling Fee Calculator

When is a residential building permit needed?*

Construction or demolition of:

  1. A building or structure
  2. Installations or alterations involving the removal of any wall, partition or portion thereof
  3. Any structural component
  4. Repair or replacement of any required component of a fire or smoke rated assembly
  5. Alteration of any required means of egress system
  6. Tool and storage sheds 256 square feet or larger
  7. Fences required for a swimming pool
  8. Concrete or masonry walls exceeding 6 feet
  9. Retaining walls supporting 3 feet of unbalanced fill
  10. Swimming pools with a surface area of greater than 150 square feet, exceed 5,000 gallons and are 24 or more inches deep
  11. Flagpoles more than 30 feet in height

*This is not a comprehensive list.  Please call the Department of Building Construction and Inspections at (804) 501-4360 with any questions.


Contact Us

The Permit Center
(804) 501-7280
[email protected]

Building Inspections

Physical Address
Department of Building Construction and Inspections
4301 East Parham Road
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-4360
Automated Permit System
(804) 501-7770

Mailing Address
Department of Building Construction and Inspections
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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