Shannon L. Taylor , Commonwealth's Attorney
Under the leadership of Shannon L. Taylor, the Commonwealth's Attorney's office is responsible for representing and protecting the people of Henrico County by presenting evidence in court against persons charged with committing crimes.
The Commonwealth's Attorney's office presents cases in three different courts. Circuit Court, General District Court, and Juvenile Courts. Across these three courts, Henrico County is served by 15 judges. Commonwealth's Attorney Taylor's staff consists of 80 people, who collaborate and work with her to ensure the community's safety.
Shannon Taylor has served as Henrico County's Commonwealth's Attorney since January of 2012.
If you have concerns about unlawful interactions with law-enforcement in Henrico County, concerns with any members of this office, or you believe you were treated unfairly or unprofessionally in any of the Henrico County Courts, please email us at [email protected] . We will respond to you.
The top priority of the Commonwealth’s Attorney is ensuring the safety of the community. This goal is pursued and achieved through a variety of methods. The Commonwealth’s Attorney prosecutes individuals who have committed a crime by presenting evidence before the appropriate court. The Commonwealth’s Attorney is also responsible for ensuring justice by tracking people who have committed a heinous crime and returns them to Virginia for prosecution.
The Commonwealth’s Attorney also oversees a division known as the Victim/Witness Unit, which counsels crime victims regarding their legal rights and offers advice about rehabilitative services and other community resources available for victims’ protection. The Victim/Witness Unit also notifies victims and witnesses of court appearances and pretrial interviews.
Beyond the preparation and trial of criminal cases, the Commonwealth Attorney’s Office advises law enforcement agencies, consults with and advises the Henrico County Division of Police regarding policies and procedures, answers citizen inquiries concerning the criminal justice system, and provides assistance for on-going criminal investigations of the Henrico County Division of Police and the Virginia State Police.
The majority of the cases the Commonwealth’s Attorney handles are brought by law enforcement officers, although Commonwealth’s Attorney Taylor’s office also prosecutes cases initiated by a citizen’s complaint.
Commonwealth’s Attorney Shannon Taylor and her staff provide speakers for schools, parent-teacher-associations, civic and neighborhood groups, churches, mosques, synagogues, and other community groups on the role of the Commonwealth Attorney’s Office, the criminal justice system, crime prevention, and provides information regarding consumer protection.
Commonwealth’s Attorney Shannon Taylor is frequently found in the community, speaking about these issues and many others, and is always available to speak to your group in-person or virtually. To schedule a visit by Shannon Taylor to your organization’s meeting or event, please email [email protected].