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available in person   In Person

There are several Medical Assistance Programs offered in Virginia. Each program covers different groups of people and each program has different eligibility requirements. When you apply for Medical Assistance, you are screened for all possible programs based on your age, income, financial resources, and other information. To be eligible for a Medical Assistance Program, you must meet the financial and non-financial eligibility conditions for that program.

Medicaid allows 45 days to determine an individual’s eligibility.

How will I know if I am eligible for assistance?

All of the benefit programs have specific income and resource limits. If you are under these limits, and have provided all of the requested information, your eligibility worker will notify you by mail as to whether or not you are eligible for assistance.

If you do not provide all of the requested information, your case will be denied for failure to provide information. You may reapply at any time.

Contact Us

Social Services

West End
8600 Dixon Powers Dr.
Henrico, VA 23228

East End (Benefit Programs only)
3820 Nine Mile Road
Henrico, VA 23223

Social Services
(804) 501-4001
Adult Protective Services
(804) 501-7346
Child Protective Services
(804) 501-5437

(804) 501-4006

[email protected]

Mail for both offices
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

After 4:00pm, Weekends and Holidays

Adult Abuse & Neglect: (888) 832-3858

Child Abuse & Neglect: (800) 552-7096

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