The Henrico County Department of Community Revitalization will hold a series of public hearings to help guide the county’s use of federal housing and community development funds over the next five years.
Next meeting: Thursday, Feb. 26, 6:30 p.m. at Belmont Recreation Center, 1600 Hilliard Road
Henrico will use the input of residents and others to prepare the Fiscal Year 2015-2020 Consolidated Plan. The plan will establish priorities for the use of federal Community Development Block Grant Program, HOME Investment Partnerships Program and Emergency Solutions Grant Program funds. Henrico will submit the plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development this summer, pending approval by the Board of Supervisors.
Henrico receives more than $2 million in the federal funding annually for services, programs, facilities and other assistance to low- and moderate-income residents, as well as people who are homeless or have other special needs. The funds have supported a variety of initiatives, including housing improvements, home purchase assistance, neighborhood recreation facilities and afterschool programs.
For information, call (804) 501-7617, send an email to [email protected] or go online to The webpage includes a link to an online survey. To request a special accommodation at one of the meetings, call (804) 501-7640 at least two days in advance.