Henrico County Master Gardeners will hold a butterfly festival and plant sale from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 15 at Short Pump Park, 3329 Pump Road.
Henrico Master Gardeners will answer questions and lead tours of the park’s Pollinator Garden, which attracts butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, songbirds, bees and other pollinators.
Children’s activities will include crafts, planting seeds, coloring and a caterpillar crawl tunnel.
Master Gardeners will sell plants, including milkweed, parsley, fennel and purple coneflowers, that attract butterflies. Proceeds will support maintenance and expanded programming at the Pollinator Garden. Junior Master Gardeners will sell garden gloves to support their programs.
Master Gardeners are volunteers who act as educators within the community on behalf of the Henrico office of Virginia Cooperative Extension. They receive training in environmental horticulture through programming with Virginia Cooperative Extension. Information about how to become a Master Gardener will be available at the butterfly festival. For more information, go to henrico.us/extension.