Fight the Bite with Henrico’s Mosquito Section
H.E.A.R.T. has some great information to help you get outdoors, get active and enjoy Mother Nature.

Did you know that Henrico County has a “mosquito group” in the Department of Public Works? That’s right, the Environmental Services Division’s Mosquito Section uses an integrated management approach to help Henrico residents combat mosquito-related issues.

From April to October, employees monitor 100 surveillance (trapping) locations, treat up to 600 sites monthly and participate in public outreach events to help residents Fight the Bite. In addition, the Mosquito Section helps residents by offering free mosquito inspections of their properties. These consultations can provide homeowners with information to know what they can do to reduce mosquito breeding in the area. Recommendations may include choosing one day a week to dump all items that may be holding water. That includes bird baths, flowerpot trays, outdoor toys and pet water bowls!
The Mosquito Section uses field data to keep track of mosquito species that frequent Henrico, including some that may carry the West Nile or Zika viruses. While not a reason to panic, it is important that residents stay informed and take steps to protect themselves from mosquito bites and related diseases. Wearing light-colored clothing, including long pants and sleeves, and applying an EPA-certified mosquito repellant can be one of the best approaches.

The Mosquito Section is responsible for inspecting and treating standing water in the county, as well. Treatments using an environmentally friendly larvicide called Bacillus thuringiensis, subspecies israelensis (BTi), targets mosquitoes, black flies and fungus gnats in their larval forms.
The most effective way to combat mosquito populations and enjoy more time outdoors is to work together as a community.
Let’s stay green out there!