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Published Title & Description Type Contact
2024-05-20May 20, 2024Water Quality Report, 2023
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year.
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2023Public Utilities
2023-06-05June 5, 2023Water Quality Report, 2022
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year.
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2022Public Utilities
2022-05-05May 5, 2022Water Quality Report, 2021
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year.
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2021Public Utilities
2021-05-17May 17, 2021Water Quality Report, 2020
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year.
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2020Public Utilities
2020-06-08June 8, 2020Water Quality Report, 2019
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year.
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2019Public Utilities
2019-05-21May 21, 2019Water Quality Report, 2018
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year.
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2018Public Utilities
2018-05-07May 7, 2018Water Quality Report, 2017
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year.
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2017Public Utilities
2017-06-01June 1, 2017Water Quality Report, 2016
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year.
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2016Public Utilities
2016-06-01June 1, 2016Water Quality Report, 2015
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2015Public Utilities
2015-12-23December 23, 2015Mosquito Collections by Year, 2006 – 2015
An annual comparison of total mosquito species collected to date.
SpreadsheetSpreadsheet - Mosquito Collections by Year, 2006 – 2015Public Works
2015-07-01July 1, 2015Water Quality Report, 2014
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2014Public Utilities
2014-07-01July 1, 2014Water Quality Report, 2013
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2013Public Utilities
2013-07-01July 1, 2013Water Quality Report, 2012
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2012Public Utilities
2012-07-01July 1, 2012Water Quality Report, 2011
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2011Public Utilities
2011-07-01July 1, 2011Water Quality Report, 2010
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2010Public Utilities
2010-07-01July 1, 2010Water Quality Report, 2009
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2009Public Utilities
2009-07-01July 1, 2009Water Quality Report, 2008
Annual report on quality testing of drinking water treated by the County in the calendar year
PDFPDF - Water Quality Report, 2008Public Utilities
Henrico LEED Certified Projects
Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED), is a recognized international standard that defines “green building".
WebsiteWebsite - Henrico LEED Certified ProjectsGeneral Services
Flood Zones & Dam Safety Information
This map presents the FEMA and County designated 100-year and 500-year floodplains within Henrico County, as well as Dam Safety information. In accordance with Chapter 10 of the Henrico County Code, management of development is required within the 100-year and 500-year floodplains and within a 40’ setback from the 100-year floodplain. Mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements may apply within FEMA 100-year floodplains. For more information, please visit the DPW Design Division webpage.
Web ServiceWeb Service - Flood Zones & Dam Safety InformationPublic Works
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