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Henrico Extension to offer lawn care workshop in September

August 16, 2013

CONTACT: Karen F. Carter, Horticulture Extension Agent, Henrico County office of the Virginia Cooperative Extension
PHONE: (804) 501-5160

The Henrico County office of the Virginia Cooperative Extension will hold a free workshop Tuesday, Sept. 3 and Thursday, Sept. 12 to help residents grow healthy, attractive lawns naturally.

The workshop, “Improving Your Lawn the Natural Way,” will be held Sept. 3 at the Tuckahoe Area Library, 1901 Starling Drive; and Sept. 12 at the Fairfield Area Library, 1001 N. Laburnum Ave. Both sessions will begin at 7 p.m.

The class will offer tips for maintaining a healthy lawn using limited or no synthetic chemicals that could be harmful to pets or children.

The workshop is free, but participants are asked to register by calling (804) 501-5160. For information, go to

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