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Davis named director of Capital Region Workforce Partnership

Henrico County Manager John A. Vithoulkas announces the appointment of Brian K. Davis as director of the Capital Region Workforce Partnership (CRWP), effective April 7.

Davis has 20 years of experience with local- and state-level planning and policy, including more than 10 years focused on workforce development systems and programs. He currently serves as director of Virginia’s Region 2000 Workforce Investment Board, which is responsible for workforce development planning, policies and strategies for an area that consists of the city of Lynchburg and four surrounding counties.


Davis will succeed Rosalyn D. Key-Tiller, who retired in February after 26 years leading CRWP.

As director of CRWP, Davis will oversee efforts to promote employment and workforce development in the counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent and Powhatan as well as the city of Richmond. Henrico serves as the fiscal agent and provides administrative oversight to the agency. CRWP works in collaboration with the Resource Workforce Investment Board.

Davis holds a bachelor’s degree in urban studies and planning from Virginia Commonwealth University and a leadership development certificate from Clarion University of Pennsylvania.

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