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Henrico welcomes Babe Ruth Baseball 13-Year-Old World Series on Aug. 14-22

Henrico County will welcome about 350 youth baseball players, coaches and family members for the Babe Ruth Baseball 13-Year-Old World Series on Aug. 14-22 at Glen Allen Stadium at RF&P Park.

The Glen Allen Youth Athletic Association (GAYAA) will serve as tournament host and will field a team to compete with teams from Northern Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Wisconsin, Missouri, Texas, Arizona and Montana.

All teams will check in Thursday, Aug. 14 and will gather for a banquet and opening ceremony Friday, Aug. 15. Play will begin Saturday, Aug. 16 and continue through Friday, Aug. 22. All games are open to the public. A live video stream of the action will be available by following links at

“Henrico County is thrilled to welcome back the Babe Ruth Baseball 13-Year-Old World Series,” said Neil Luther, director of the Division of Recreation and Parks. “This tournament does more than feature exciting play on the field. It supports the local economy, with spending in restaurants, hotels and other businesses. It also highlights Henrico’s sports tourism program and showcases county athletic facilities as among the best in the nation.”

In Henrico, GAYAA has hosted more than two dozen premier baseball tournaments, including district, regional and state tournaments, and two previous World Series.

The Glen Allen team will play its first game of the 2014 World Series at 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 16 against Nederland, Texas. A full schedule is at

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