Officials have attended about 110 meetings to inform residents, answer questions
Henrico County’s general-election ballot on Tuesday, Nov. 8 will include a bond referendum that would provide $419.8 million for new and renovated schools, park and road improvements, new fire stations and a new Fairfield Area Library.
Voters will be asked to indicate “yes” or “no” on each of the five referendum questions, which will appear on the back of the ballot.
If approved by a majority of voters, each question would authorize Henrico to sell general-obligation bonds to fund capital projects for a given category, specifically $272.6 million for public schools, $87.1 million for parks, $24 million for libraries, $22.1 million for fire stations and facilities, and $14 million for roads.
Henrico would use the bonds to fund a total of 26 projects countywide. The school projects would be funded over five years. All others would be funded over six years. For project details or to review a sample ballot, go to or call (804) 501-4257.
Officials have determined that Henrico would be able to manage the new debt within its current tax-rate structure. The real estate tax rate would remain at 87 cents per $100 of assessed value.
Since August, Henrico officials have attended about 110 meetings with neighborhood, civic and community groups to provide information and to answer questions about the bond referendum.
On Election Day, the polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Voters are reminded that Virginia law requires them to show an official photo identification before casting their ballot. For information on voting, go to or call (804) 501-4347.
The final day to vote absentee in person is Saturday, Nov. 5. Henrico’s voter registration offices will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Henrico Government Center, 4301 E. Parham Road, and the Eastern Government Center, 3820 Nine Mile Road.
“Given the length of the ballot and the expected turnout, Henrico voters are strongly encouraged to review a sample ballot before they arrive at their polling place,” Henrico General Registrar Mark J. Coakley said. “Be prepared. That will help keep lines moving on Election Day.”