Glover, O’Bannon to lead Henrico Board of Supervisors in 2017

The Henrico County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to elect Brookland District Supervisor Richard W. Glover as chairman and Tuckahoe District Supervisor Patricia S. O’Bannon as vice chairman for 2017.

Glover is serving as the board’s chairman for the sixth time. He most recently held the post in 2012. He succeeds Varina District Supervisor Tyrone E. Nelson in the position.

At Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, Glover thanked Henrico residents for giving him the opportunity to serve, noting that he is beginning his 29th year on the board.

“You as citizens are fantastic,” he said. “You’ve done so well by this county. You’ve made us what we are, and you will continue to do that.”

The incoming chairman also applauded the work of Henrico County staff, adding that he is proud of many areas, including the county’s Police and Fire divisions.

“They are out on a regular basis across the county, and every day they are producing the efforts Henrico County has gotten used to — making sure that the health, safety and welfare of our people are taken care of,” he said.

The longest-serving active member of Henrico’s board, Glover first was elected Brookland District supervisor in 1987 and now is marking his eighth term representing the district. He had previously served on the county’s Planning Commission.

He holds positions on a variety of national, statewide and regional governmental organizations, including the National Association of Counties’ (NACo) Community, Economic and Workforce Development steering committee, the Virginia Association of Counties’ (VACo) Economic Development and Planning steering committee and the Richmond Regional Planning District Commission (RRPDC). He also serves on the county’s Board of Social Services.

Glover is a lifetime member of the Hermitage High School Band and Auxiliary Boosters and the Glen Allen Youth Athletic Association and Hall of Fame. A native of Victoria, Va., he is a veteran of the U.S. Navy and an Eagle Scout.

O’Bannon, first elected to represent the Tuckahoe District in 1995, is serving her sixth term on the Henrico board. She also holds positions with NACo, VACo and RRPDC. She serves on the Virginia Building Code Technical Review Board, Bon Secours St. Mary’s Hospital Community Advisory Board and the Richmond Regional Transportation Planning Organization policy board. In addition, she serves on the boards of the Virginia Coalition for Open Government, the Greater Richmond Partnership and the Henricus Foundation.

A Richmond native, O’Bannon is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University. She is a former English teacher, news editor for a local publication and development associate for public television.

Henrico’s Board of Supervisors regularly meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday each month. Meetings typically are not scheduled for the fourth Tuesday in August and December.

Meetings are held in the Government Center Board Room, 4301 E. Parham Road. For more information, call (804) 501-4318 or go to

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