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Price tapped to lead Henrico’s Real Property Department

Henrico County Manager John A. Vithoulkas has appointed Andrew S. “Steve” Price to serve as director of the Real Property Department, effective July 8.

Price, who currently works as the department’s assistant director, will succeed Jon B. Tracy, who recently retired from the position.

As director, Price will be responsible for planning and administering the real estate program for Henrico’s general government, the Henrico Economic Development Authority and Henrico County Public Schools. Real Property manages all county property transactions and works with other county agencies to acquire easements, rights of way and sites for schools, libraries, fire stations and other facilities. The department has a staff of seven and a budget of $648,326 for the 2017-18 fiscal year.

Price joined the Real Property staff in 1990 as an assistant real property agent and was named assistant director in 2006. He earned a bachelor’s degree from West Virginia State University.

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