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Johnson named director of Community Corrections

Henrico County has appointed Shelby P. Johnson to serve as director of Community Corrections, effective Feb. 16.

Johnson has worked for the program since 2000 and is currently a unit supervisor. She also has served as acting director following the recent resignation of Gary A. Hughes, the program’s director since 2016.

As director, Johnson will be responsible for coordinating a program of local probation, pretrial supervision and related services as a continuum of community-based sanctions and services. Community Corrections has an approved budget of $1.6 million and 22 employees in fiscal year 2018-19.

Johnson began her service in Henrico in 1998, when she was hired as an inmate classification officer in the Sheriff’s Office. She moved to Community Corrections two years later as a probation officer.

Johnson holds a Bachelor of Science in criminal justice from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and a Master of Public Administration from Strayer University.

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