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Henrico CASA seeks volunteers to serve as child advocates

Information sessions set for Aug. 6 and Aug. 8, training starts Sept. 7

Henrico County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) will hold information sessions Tuesday, Aug. 6 at 6 p.m. and Thursday, Aug. 8 at noon for people who may be interested in volunteering to work in the court system on behalf of abused or neglected children.

The meetings will be held in the CASA offices in suite A of the Hungary Spring Office Park, 3001 Hungary Spring Road. To reserve a seat, contact Rebecca Kalman-Winston at (804) 501-1670 or [email protected].

Henrico CASA is recruiting volunteers for a free, 14-session training program that will begin Saturday, Sept. 7 and end Wednesday, Oct. 9 with a swearing-in ceremony at the Henrico Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court.

Prospective volunteers must apply by Friday, Aug. 23, be at least 21 years old, have regular access to a computer and attend all training sessions. All applicants will be interviewed, fingerprinted and undergo criminal background and reference checks.

Anyone interested in applying but unable to attend the information session is asked to contact Jeannine Panzera at (804) 501-1673 or [email protected]. For an application or more information, go to

Henrico CASA is a private, nonprofit organization that has worked closely with the court for 25 years. Working typically 10 to 15 hours per month, volunteer advocates gather information on a child’s circumstances to supplement information provided to the court. Henrico CASA volunteers served 383 children by donating 15,221 hours during fiscal year 2018-19.

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