Because residents receive news and information in a variety of ways, Henrico County is providing many outlets for updates on the COVID-19 coronavirus and its impact on services and operations.
Beginning with a March 5 news release about preparations across the region, Henrico has provided regular updates to local news media, including the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Henrico Citizen, VPM, NBC12, WTVR and WRIC.
In addition, Henrico News serves as a hub for county-produced information, with links to articles, videos and recent news releases. Henrico County Television (HCTV) serves as another online resource and is available on Comcast channel 17 and Verizon channel 39.
The Henrico County Mobile App, for download on iOS and Android devices, provides convenient access to information on and delivers messages and updates.
The county has a dedicated coronavirus webpage, which details how services and operations are being impacted by the pandemic.
A public dashboard is a resource for the entire region, with links to a variety of trusted sites with information about COVID-19.
Henrico provides information via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. The region is using #COVIDRVA to help organize information on social media.
Residents also are encouraged to sign up for the Henrico News electronic newsletter.
In addition, the county established a hotline, at 501-5655, to answer questions from the public about services and operations. The line is staffed from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Similarly, the Richmond and Henrico health districts have opened a hotline, at 205-3501, for health and medical questions related to COVID-19. The line is staffed from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily.
“We understand that residents have many questions as COVID-19 forces changes to our lives and routines, often with little or no notice,” said Ben Sheppard, director of Henrico County Public Relations. “In partnership with all county departments, we are committed to keeping our community up to date with information that is both timely and relevant.”