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Extension berry plant, bag clip sale underway to benefit 4-H programs

The Henrico County office of Virginia Cooperative Extension is selling a variety of berry plants as well as large bag clips to support local 4-H Youth Development programs.

Blackberry and raspberry plants are $7 apiece. Bundles of 25 strawberry plants are $9. Potted blueberry plants are $10. Handy Camel Giant Bag Clips, which can be used for bags up to 50 pounds, are $12.

 Orders can be completed online or by printing and mailing a form. For more information, call (804) 501-5160 or go to Orders received by Friday, March 19 will be filled. Those received later will be filled while supplies last.

All orders will be available for pickup from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 30 and from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 31 at the Virginia Randolph Recreation Center, 2175 Mountain Road. Pickups will be contactless due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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