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Master Gardeners to hold Spring Plant Sale and Pollinator Festival June 11

Henrico County Master Gardeners will hold a Spring Plant Sale and Pollinator Festival from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, June 11 at Deep Run Park, 9900 Ridgefield Parkway.

The sale will feature plants from the gardens of Master Gardeners at discounted prices as well as floral arrangements and gently used gardening items in the Garden Treasures tent. The event also will offer educational displays, music, food trucks and children’s activities, including crafts and photo opportunities. Admission is free.

Free copies of “Native Plants for Virginia’s Capital Region,” a guide of the Plant RVA Natives Campaign, will be available. Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer gardening questions. All activities, including the plant sale, will be held in the Deep Run Recreation Center in the event of rain.

Master Gardeners are volunteers who serve as educators in the community on behalf of the Henrico County office of Virginia Cooperative Extension. They receive training in environmental horticulture through programming with Virginia Cooperative Extension. For information on becoming a Master Gardener, attend the Spring Plant Sale or go to

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