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Henrico 4-H to offer rock-climbing workshop for youth Dec. 19

Henrico 4-H Youth Development will hold a rock-climbing workshop Monday, Dec. 19 to give youth an opportunity to have fun while building their strength, confidence and poise.

Open to youth ages 9 to 18, the Climbing to the Top workshop will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. at Triangle Rock Club, 4700 Thalbro St. It will include activities to prepare youth for contests on speaking publicly and delivering presentations as well as a two-hour climbing session led by certified instructors in a reserved area with 28-foot-tall climbing walls.

Registration costs $10 and will be available online through Wednesday, Dec. 14. For more information, go to or contact Carter Humphries at (804) 501-5160 or [email protected].

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