Applications to participate in 7-week program accepted through March 1
Residents who reflect Henrico’s rich cultural diversity are invited to participate in an upcoming leadership program – My Henrico Academy – that strengthens connections between the county and multicultural communities and encourages participation in the civic process.
The free program, which is entering its fourth year, accepts up to 20 immigrant and descendent candidates to meet with county officials, tour facilities and expand their understanding of local resources and how the county and residents work together to build a strong, vibrant community.
My Henrico Academy is open to residents of all localities. Applications will be accepted through Friday, March 1. The program is expected to begin in the spring and will include seven sessions held from 4 to 7 p.m. on selected Thursdays at locations throughout the county. Participants will enjoy a dinner, tour facilities and meet with officials and staff to learn how the county functions and how to access employment, educational and other services.
More than 80 residents have graduated from My Henrico Academy since its inception in 2019. In 2023, 29 participants completed the program to become community ambassadors, with insight on such topics as governance, public services, recreational resources and civic engagement.
“Henrico County is a diverse and welcoming place to live, work and play, with more than 139 native languages spoken by both new and longtime residents,” said Raina Vann, Henrico’s multicultural community liaison. “My Henrico Academy is one of the many ways the county engages our multicultural communities and visitors. Participants build lasting relationships with each other that span cultures and experiences, and they connect with officials to learn about the wealth of local resources. Most significantly, the experience empowers participants to serve as ambassadors for the community so they can share their knowledge and connections with others.”
For more information about My Henrico Academy, contact Vann at [email protected] or (804) 501-5844.