After nearly two years behind bars, Jessica Benade is about to give her family an unforgettable Christmas gift: the joy of going home to her husband and two children on Christmas Eve.
Continue reading Henrico inmate to surprise family on Christmas Eve after ‘amazing’ recovery progress
For Israael Cannon, the journey of recovery from addiction isn’t just a battle but a transformative experience. With the support of Henrico County and encouragement from his children, he began a pivotal chapter in his life in January, finding a constant source of strength along the way.
Continue reading Mobilize Recovery performance outside Henrico jail marks milestone for aspiring singer recovering from addiction
The members of Henrico County’s next Board of Supervisors and School Board as well as its constitutional officers and Henricopolis directors have been sworn in to begin serving their terms on Jan. 1.
“Welcome, we all look forward to working with you and seeing you succeed as a group,” County Manager John A. Vithoulkas said at the conclusion of the Henrico County 2024 Investiture, which was held Dec. 15 at the Henrico Sports & Events Center.
Continue reading Oaths administered to incoming supervisors, School Board members, constitutional officers, Henricopolis directors

As vehicle crashes involving pedestrians and bicyclists continue to occur with alarming frequency, law enforcement agencies in the Richmond region and other partners are urging travelers to take simple precautions and to avoid distractions, such as mobile phones and headphones.
A video public service announcement with tips for motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists is being shared by the police departments or sheriff’s offices of Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County and the City of Richmond as well as by the Virginia State Police and Virginia Department of Transportation.
Continue reading Pedestrian safety message launches for region
Fifteen elected officials are set to begin new terms for Henrico County on Jan. 1, following a swearing-in ceremony that included several firsts and a surprise marriage proposal.
Continue reading Henrico officials take oaths to begin terms in January