N. Parham Road Sidewalk Improvements, Phase I
Project Status: Completed
Estimated Cost: $720,000
Start Date: April 2021
Estimated End Date: July 2021
Magisterial District: Tuckahoe
The County of Henrico will be constructing sidewalk improvements along the west side of N. Parham Road from the intersection of Fargo Road and Parham Road continuing 650 feet south, connecting to existing sidewalk at Parham Plaza Shopping Center.
Estimated Schedule
- Design began June 2017.
- Right-of-way acquisition began October 2018.
- Utility relocation is anticipated to begin July 2020.
- Construction is anticipated to begin April 2021.
- Project completion is anticipated July 2021.
Progress to Date
- All necessary easements and right-of-way have been acquired.
- Construction contract issued with the annual contractor.